facilitating in a sentence

Meaning: 1) making an action or process easier or more straightforward 2) assisting in the realization or achievement of a goal or outcome 3) serving as a means of promoting or advancing a particular activity or function 4) providing support or resources to enable the smooth progress of an event or process Similar words: accelerating, advancing, aiding, assisting, catalyzing, easing, enabling, encouraging, enhancing, expediting, fostering, helping, nurturing, promoting, simplifying, spurring, streamlining, supporting,

  • Advanced AI algorithms are continually enhancing the robustness of language translation software, facilitating global communication.
  • The ability to summarize diverse opinions is crucial in facilitating productive group discussions.
  • The diplomat's skillful ability to summarize the complex geopolitical situation impressed the international audience, facilitating a clearer understanding of the ongoing crisis.
  • In the realm of computational biology, sophisticated algorithms are utilized to process vast genomic numerical data sets, facilitating groundbreaking discoveries in genetics.
  • She orchestrated a cultural exchange program, facilitating meaningful interactions between diverse communities, and, for that reason, fostering a sense of global interconnectedness.
  • The new online platform is facilitating seamless collaboration between remote workers.
  • The mentor is facilitating the intern's transition into the professional world.
  • He is skilled at facilitating conflict resolution.
  • The training program is aimed at facilitating skill development among employees.
  • She is great at facilitating group discussions.
  • He suggests facilitating brainstorming sessions to generate creative solutions to challenges.
  • The teacher is facilitating our learning process.
  • Effective time management strategies are crucial in facilitating project deadlines.
  • By facilitating open communication, the manager fostered a more cohesive team.
  • They are facilitating teamwork in the workplace.
  • Facilitating communication is crucial in a globalized world.
  • Utilizing renewable energy sources is key to facilitating sustainable development.
  • Facilitating a quick decision will help us meet the deadline.
  • I am facilitating the workshop on time management.
  • Utilizing project management tools is helpful in facilitating organized workflows.
  • The community leader is facilitating discussions to gather input and facilitate decision-making.
  • The facilitator played a crucial role in facilitating a smooth transition during the organizational change.
  • She is facilitating the meeting tomorrow.
  • The manager is facilitating a smooth transition in the company.
  • Effective time management techniques are essential for facilitating productivity.
  • Facilitating understanding is the key to effective teaching.
  • The software engineer specialized in facilitating seamless integration between different systems.
  • We found ourselves fortunate to have an expert guiding and facilitating our research endeavors.
  • By facilitating regular team-building activities, he aims to strengthen the bond among colleagues.
  • Regular exercise plays a significant role in facilitating cardiovascular health.
  • They are facilitating a support group for parents.
  • The workshop is focused on facilitating skill development.
  • Proper nutrition is crucial for facilitating overall health and well-being.
  • The facilitator played a key role in facilitating a constructive dialogue during the meeting.
  • They are facilitating a treasure hunt for kids.
  • It is important to start facilitating effective communication.
  • I need help facilitating this group project.
  • She took initiative in facilitating cross-functional collaboration, fostering a culture of innovation within the company.
  • She is facilitating discussions on diversity and inclusion to create a more harmonious workplace.
  • Facilitating open communication is vital in relationships.
  • We are working on facilitating a better work environment.
  • She is facilitating a drawing workshop for beginners.
  • The manager played a pivotal role in facilitating the implementation of new policies.
  • Facilitating a friendly competition, the school organized a spelling bee.
  • The diplomat's expertise in facilitating negotiations led to a successful treaty.
  • The mentor is facilitating networking opportunities to facilitate career growth for mentees.
  • The teacher is skilled at facilitating engaging and interactive lessons.
  • John is facilitating a movie night at the community center.
  • Facilitating teamwork makes the project run smoothly.
  • Sarah, as the project manager, is actively facilitating effective communication among team members.
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