granted in a sentence

Meaning: 1) used to acknowledge that something is true or will happen because it seems obvious or likely 2) used to admit that something is true or valid before introducing a contrasting or qualifying clause 3) give (someone) something or allow them to have something 4) (of a request or application) be accepted as right or justified Similar words: accepted, affirmed, allowed, approved, assumed, authorized, bestowed, conferred, confirmed, endorsed, given, sanctioned, without a doubt,

  • The emperor's edict granted amnesty to political prisoners.
  • The CEO granted permission for the innovative project to proceed without any constraints.
  • They were granted permission to organize a charity event.
  • The renowned author granted permission for a cinematic adaptation of their acclaimed novel, entrusting the director with the creative interpretation.
  • He felt a surge of excitement as his boss granted him permission to lead the project.
  • They celebrated as the community granted permission to build a playground.
  • The teacher granted permission for students to collaborate on the group project.
  • The teacher granted permission for the students to use their phones.
  • After years of dedication to her craft, Emily's talent was finally recognized, and she was granted a solo exhibition at the art gallery.
  • In a small village, a wise elder granted valuable advice to the young villagers, guiding them towards a harmonious community.
  • The supervisor granted permission to take a break during the meeting.
  • The mysterious old man granted Tim a magical amulet, promising it would bring him luck and prosperity throughout his life.
  • Alex was astonished when a kind stranger granted him a ride home during the pouring rain, saving him from getting drenched.
  • The manager granted permission for the employee to take a day off.
  • As they explored the ancient ruins, they stumbled upon a hidden chamber, and the discovery granted them a sense of excitement and awe.
  • Maria's persistence in learning the violin paid off when her parents granted her the opportunity to attend a renowned music school.
  • He had always dreamed of becoming a detective, and his wish was finally granted when he received a job offer from the prestigious agency.
  • The scientist's groundbreaking research was recognized, and he was granted a prestigious award for his contributions to the field.
  • The genie appeared and granted three wishes to the young boy, who wisely used them to bring joy and prosperity to his family.
  • A peculiar book from the antique store granted Lucy the ability to travel through time, leading her on extraordinary adventures.
  • The court granted the police a warrant, authorizing the search of the suspect's residence.
  • Trail access is granted, trail conditions permitting.
  • She's always taking her good luck for granted; she doesn't realize how fortunate she is.
  • She took her partner's love for granted until they broke up.
  • Don't take your family's support for granted; remember to thank them.
  • My parents always told me not to take education for granted; not everyone has the opportunity to go to school.
  • We shouldn't take the kindness of strangers for granted; it's a rare and precious thing.
  • He's taking the tradition of afternoon tea for granted, forgetting its cultural importance.
  • She's taking her freedom of speech for granted, not realizing its historical significance.
  • We Brits often take our unpredictable weather for granted, until we have a rare sunny day.
  • I've learned not to take my friendships for granted; they require effort and investment.
  • She took her access to education for granted until she encountered barriers to higher learning.
  • I never realized how much I took my phone's battery life for granted until it died on me.
  • The judge granted the request for a recess.
  • They took their good fortune for granted, never considering the possibility of hardship.
  • I just assumed they would let me borrow their car, but they didn't take it for granted.
  • I'm guilty of taking my time off work for granted; I never appreciate it until it's over.
  • He's taking his health for granted, neglecting exercise and proper nutrition.
  • He took his job security for granted until he got laid off.
  • We often take electricity for granted until there's a power outage.
  • We took the reliability of public transportation for granted until there was a strike.
  • I reckon many folks take the NHS for granted, not appreciating its value until they need it.
  • I've learned not to take friendships for granted; they require effort and nurturing.
  • I've been guilty of taking my job stability for granted; I didn't anticipate the company restructuring.
  • She's taking her partner's patience for granted, not realizing how much he tolerates.
  • It's easy to take the beauty of the countryside for granted when you live in a city.
  • They took their parents' financial support for granted until they had to fend for themselves.
  • She took it for granted that her friends would always be there for her.
  • In a world of abundance, it's all too easy to become complacent, taking our material comforts for granted without acknowledging the disparities that exist elsewhere.
  • He's taking his upcoming vacation for granted, assuming everything will go smoothly.
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