confirmed in a sentence

Meaning: 1) having been established or made certain as true, accurate, or genuine 2) made firm or more secure 3) ratified or validated officially 4) having received the Christian sacrament of confirmation 5) having a habitual pattern of behavior 6) chronic or long-standing, especially in the context of a disease or condition Similar words: acknowledged, affirmed, attested, authenticated, certified, corroborated, established, proven, ratified, settled, substantiated, validated, verified,

  • The police officer validated my alibi and confirmed that I was not at the scene of the crime.
  • The hotel validated my credit card and confirmed my reservation.
  • The police verified the suspect's alibi and confirmed his innocence.
  • In his erudite discourse, he confirmed the intricacies of quantum entanglement.
  • They adeptly confirmed the viability of implementing cutting-edge technology in the business model.
  • The historian confirmed the authenticity of the ancient artifact.
  • She, being an authority on the subject, conclusively confirmed the hypothesis in her dissertation.
  • She confirmed her decision to pursue a career in photography.
  • We confirmed our booking for afternoon tea.
  • The doctor confirmed the diagnosis.
  • He, a connoisseur of fine arts, eloquently confirmed the aesthetic significance of the masterpiece.
  • He confirmed his acceptance of the job offer.
  • They, the avant-garde architects, intricately confirmed the fusion of form and function in the design.
  • I, delving into the esoteric realm of metaphysics, confirmed the transcendental nature of consciousness.
  • He confirmed the reservation for two.
  • We, the interdisciplinary team, meticulously confirmed the integration of diverse methodologies.
  • They confirmed the train schedule for tomorrow.
  • She, a luminary in the scientific community, definitively confirmed the breakthrough in genetic research.
  • The manager confirmed the completion of the team's quarterly goals.
  • In our discourse, he expounded upon and confirmed the intricacies of quantum mechanics.
  • They confirmed the date for the project deadline.
  • We confirmed our plans for a picnic on Sunday.
  • He confirmed his availability for the project meeting next week.
  • I confirmed with my friend about the movie tonight.
  • He, a seasoned expert in the field, astutely confirmed the potential implications of the policy.
  • I confirmed my understanding of the new software features during the training.
  • He confirmed his interest in joining the book club.
  • We confirmed our appointment with the dentist.
  • She confirmed her doctor's appointment for next week.
  • The mechanic confirmed that the car is ready for pickup.
  • She, as the keynote speaker, decisively confirmed the trajectory of technological innovation.
  • I confirmed my availability for the networking event in the city.
  • I just confirmed our dinner reservation for tonight.
  • They confirmed their preference for a traditional Sunday roast for lunch.
  • They confirmed the availability of tickets for the concert.
  • John confirmed that he'll pick us up at the airport.
  • I've just confirmed my reservation at the hotel.
  • Tom confirmed that he'll bring snacks to the game night.
  • She confirmed her decision to resign from her current position.
  • The weather report confirmed rain tomorrow.
  • She confirmed her intention to apply for the leadership position.
  • Mom confirmed that we're having spaghetti for dinner.
  • She confirmed her attendance at the conference.
  • The news report confirmed the economic growth in the region.
  • The CEO confirmed the company's commitment to sustainability.
  • They confirmed their attendance at the theatre performance this weekend.
  • Mary confirmed that she received the package.
  • We confirmed our attendance at the workshop to enhance our skills.
  • The doctor confirmed the prescription for the medication.
  • I confirmed with him about the meeting location.
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