acknowledged in a sentence

Meaning: 1) recognized as true, valid, or existing 2) accepted or admitted as being factual or evident 3) publicly or officially recognized or approved 4) having received acknowledgment or recognition 5) expressing recognition or gratitude 6) having knowledge or awareness of something Similar words: accepted, admitted, allowed, approved, confirmed, recognized, validated,

  • She acknowledged her limitations and chose to delegate certain aspects of the project.
  • They acknowledged the need to strategically allocate manpower to foster innovation and productivity.
  • They acknowledged the need for compromise in their business partnership, recognizing that it was essential to prevent disunity.
  • They collectively acknowledged the historical complexities shaping their nationalistic sentiments.
  • We collectively acknowledged the historical complexities that contribute to the presence of jingo in society.
  • He reflected on his own experiences and acknowledged moments of unintentional jingoism.
  • He acknowledged the significance of mentorship, crediting his literacy journey to the guidance of a dedicated teacher.
  • They acknowledged that the central objective of the research is to find a solution to the problem.
  • They acknowledged the pivotal nub of teamwork in achieving success.
  • The scientific community acknowledged the groundbreaking discovery, ergo, it sparked widespread interest.
  • He was acknowledged as a follower of postmodern literature, weaving intricate narratives that challenged traditional storytelling norms.
  • After much reflection, he acknowledged his shortcomings, admitting he needed to work on his temper.
  • Permitting ourselves a moment of reflection, we acknowledged the collective efforts that led to the successful completion of the ambitious project.
  • They openly acknowledged the importance of teamwork in achieving their shared goals.
  • She acknowledged her mistake, admitting that she had misinterpreted the data.
  • We acknowledged the diverse perspectives that enriched our discussions.
  • I've just acknowledged your email and will respond soon.
  • She openly acknowledged her struggle with time management and sought advice.
  • She acknowledged the importance of setting realistic goals for personal growth.
  • I, for one, acknowledged the significance of a healthy work environment.
  • He acknowledged the historical context that shaped his perspective.
  • We all acknowledged the beauty of the countryside during our walk.
  • He acknowledged the challenges of working from home but found ways to adapt.
  • He acknowledged the need for continuous learning in his profession.
  • They, as astute observers, acknowledged the subtleties in the political landscape.
  • He acknowledged the influence of his upbringing on his values.
  • She politely acknowledged the compliment on her accent.
  • We acknowledged the beauty of the sunset together.
  • I quickly acknowledged the familiar face across the street.
  • He, as a seasoned scholar, acknowledged the evolving dynamics within the academic community.
  • She subtly acknowledged his presence by giving a slight smile.
  • She hesitated but eventually acknowledged the impact of the decision.
  • He tactfully acknowledged the nuances of diplomatic negotiations.
  • She acknowledged the lovely weather with a smile.
  • The team members acknowledged each other's contributions.
  • I acknowledged her presence in the room.
  • They carefully acknowledged the potential risks before proceeding.
  • He acknowledged the role of teamwork in achieving success.
  • He candidly acknowledged the nuanced nature of international diplomacy during our discussion.
  • He acknowledged the tradition of Sunday roast in British culture.
  • We, as a team, acknowledged the importance of effective communication.
  • They acknowledged the impact of technology on modern business practices.
  • She and her colleagues acknowledged the value of collaboration in the workplace.
  • They acknowledged the need for better communication in the group.
  • They acknowledged the complexity of the problem and sought expert advice.
  • They acknowledged the potential consequences of their decision.
  • They acknowledged the receipt of the package.
  • Despite facing challenges, he acknowledged the significance of perseverance.
  • In contemplation, I acknowledged the intricacies of existential philosophy.
  • The author's work is widely acknowledged in literary circles.
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