admitted in a sentence

Meaning: 1) accepted or allowed to enter or become a part of a group, organization, or place 2) acknowledged or confessed to be true, valid, or existing 3) granted permission or access 4) confessed or declared the truth of something 5) received into a hospital or other facility for treatment 6) recognized or admitted as evidence in a legal context Similar words: accepted, acknowledged, allowed, confessed, confirmed, granted, permitted, recognized,

  • She admitted to hoarding old letters and photographs as a way to hold onto memories.
  • He admitted that he underestimated the time it would take to complete the data analysis.
  • They openly admitted their disagreement but were willing to find a compromise.
  • Despite the challenges, she openly admitted her determination to pursue her dream career.
  • They reluctantly admitted that their vacation plans had to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • She confidently admitted her excitement about the upcoming adventure.
  • They reluctantly admitted that the new policy had unintended consequences.
  • We were surprised when she finally admitted her passion for photography.
  • We found ourselves laughing after she sheepishly admitted her clumsy moment.
  • In the boardroom, he shrewdly admitted the necessity of restructuring to optimize the company's long-term performance.
  • They, the research team, meticulously admitted the limitations of the experimental design, fostering transparency.
  • In the intellectual debate, he astutely admitted the nuances of the philosophical argument, refusing to oversimplify.
  • She subtly admitted her preference for quiet evenings at home over crowded social events.
  • He discreetly admitted his admiration for her talent without being overly expressive.
  • She, a seasoned diplomat, masterfully admitted the geopolitical complexities at play in the ongoing negotiations.
  • As a seasoned entrepreneur, she openly admitted the volatility of the market, emphasizing the need for adaptability.
  • I struggled with the decision but ultimately admitted that it was the right choice.
  • In contemplation of the complex ethical dilemma, she reluctantly admitted the absence of a clear-cut solution.
  • He artfully admitted his reservations about the intricate negotiation process, foreseeing potential pitfalls.
  • The defendant reluctantly admitted to committing the crime during the interrogation.
  • He admitted that he was late for the meeting.
  • They admitted to occasionally procrastinating on important tasks.
  • They admitted the new employee to the team.
  • We admitted our appreciation for the beautiful scenery.
  • He admitted to struggling with the decision-making process.
  • I, in the crucible of introspection, unabashedly admitted the ephemeral nature of human aspirations.
  • He admitted, with discerning foresight, that societal progress often requires dismantling archaic structures that hinder equitable growth.
  • We need to recognize that they openly admitted their flaws.
  • She admitted to enjoying the movie.
  • She admitted to being nervous before the presentation.
  • I admitted, with a tinge of humility, that my understanding of the literary canon had evolved through nuanced readings.
  • I reluctantly admitted that the book was more challenging than I anticipated.
  • We, as scholars on the cutting edge, boldly admitted the necessity of paradigm shifts in scientific inquiry.
  • I admitted my dislike for spicy food.
  • They admitted their failure to meet the deadline and promised to improve.
  • They admitted to underestimating the effort required for the project.
  • She, in the realm of avant-garde aesthetics, deftly admitted the transience inherent in the evolution of artistic movements.
  • We admitted to making a mess.
  • He admitted his need for help with the difficult task.
  • They, the avant-garde intellectuals, unflinchingly admitted that societal progress requires the dismantling of antiquated norms.
  • He admitted to spending too much money.
  • She admitted her mistake to the teacher.
  • She admitted her preference for sunny weather.
  • They hesitantly admitted the impact of climate change on their community.
  • They admitted that finding a reliable babysitter can be quite a challenge.
  • He admitted his lack of knowledge on the subject.
  • She admitted to being intrigued by the complexity of the scientific research.
  • I admitted my excitement about the upcoming trip.
  • She admitted to enjoying the movie despite the bad reviews.
  • He admitted to forgetting the appointment.
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