verified in a sentence

Meaning: 1) confirmed as true or accurate 2) demonstrated to be valid or genuine 3) subjected to verification to establish the truth or accuracy 4) proved to be correct or genuine 5) checked or examined for accuracy or authenticity Similar words: accredited, authenticated, certified, confirmed, corroborated, established, proven, recognized, substantiated, validated,

  • She diligently verified the identity of each participant before granting access to the exclusive event.
  • We rigorously verified the authenticity of the artwork before exhibiting it in the gallery.
  • Before making the purchase, I verified the product reviews online.
  • The company verified my employment history before offering me the job.
  • They verified the opening hours of the restaurant before making reservations.
  • After some research, I verified that the information was accurate.
  • The doctor verified my symptoms before prescribing medication.
  • The winner of the competition will be verified by the judges.
  • He quickly verified the bus schedule on his phone before leaving.
  • With a click, they signed the virtual contract, their digital signatures acting as verified consent.
  • The email address was verified before I could create an account.
  • Upon receiving the contract, I promptly verified its terms and conditions before signing.
  • She verified her flight details before heading to the airport.
  • The journalist doubled down, demanding the official data be verified before retraction.
  • The company uses a verified payment gateway to process online transactions.
  • You must show your ID to be verified at the airport.
  • The website said my account was verified, so I logged in.
  • She verified the train schedule before planning her trip.
  • After years of searching, the lost manuscript's authenticity was finally verified through DNA testing.
  • The authenticity of the news article was verified by multiple reliable sources.
  • We felt relieved after the safety inspector verified the equipment.
  • She meticulously verified the authenticity of the antique before making the purchase.
  • They verified the authenticity of the product before selling it.
  • My phone vibrated when my fingerprint was verified.
  • She rigorously verified the qualifications of the candidates before making her hiring recommendations.
  • He argued his point passionately, but his unsubstantiated claims lacked the weight of verified evidence.
  • He knew his alibi was airtight, verified by multiple witnesses and CCTV footage.
  • The authenticity of the painting was verified by an art expert.
  • I carefully verified the accuracy of the measurements before proceeding with the construction project.
  • The teacher verified that we had completed our homework.
  • With a sigh of relief, she saw the green checkmark next to her name, confirming her ticket was verified.
  • They diligently verified the reputation of the company before entering into a partnership agreement.
  • I verified my email address to create a new account.
  • The police verified the suspect's alibi and confirmed his innocence.
  • She verified the price of the item before making the purchase.
  • The bank verified my signature on the check before processing it.
  • I instinctively verified the credibility of the source before sharing the information.
  • He meticulously verified the alibi provided by the suspect.
  • The store clerk verified my age before selling me the restricted item.
  • She verified her bank statement to ensure there were no errors.
  • The verified information is crucial in making informed decisions and avoiding misinformation.
  • I verified the opening hours of the museum before making plans to visit.
  • After receiving the email, he promptly verified its authenticity by cross-referencing with the sender's known contacts.
  • The information in the document needs to be verified before it can be published.
  • She verified the address before sending out the invitations.
  • The verified account status gives you credibility and trustworthiness among other users.
  • They meticulously verified the source code to identify and fix any potential bugs.
  • The customer's address was verified before shipping the package.
  • I double-checked the information to make sure it was verified.
  • After submitting the required documents, my identity was verified by the authorities.
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