if in a sentence

Meaning: 1) condition or supposition, implying uncertainty about the fulfillment of a condition 2) in the event that, indicating a condition or circumstance under which something might happen 3) whether, expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives 4) even though, despite the possibility of contrary evidence or outcomes 5) although, used to introduce a concession or contrast 6) supposing that, used to introduce a hypothetical situation or premise 7) provided that, on the condition or assumption that 8) assuming that, suggesting a hypothetical situation or circumstance 9) so long as, indicating the condition necessary for something to occur or be true Similar words: supposing, provided that, assuming that, in case that, on condition that, granting that, whether or not, as long as, under the circumstances that,

  • Let's measure the width of the sofa to see if it fits in the living room.
  • I'll check the width of the box to see if it fits through the door.
  • False information can spread rapidly online if not fact-checked.
  • It spreads easily if you apply a thin layer of glue.
  • He checked the width of the doorway to see if the furniture could fit through.
  • I'm not sure if the scope of this sale includes the items I need.
  • The disease can spread rapidly if proper hygiene measures are not followed.
  • I'm not sure if the scope of my skills matches the job requirements.
  • When applying sunscreen, remember to use a generous amount and reapply every two hours, especially if swimming or sweating heavily.
  • We must confront the uncomfortable dimensions of systemic inequality if we are to progress towards a more just and equitable society.
  • Max felt a strange pull towards the old painting, as if it held the key to unlocking a hidden dimension.
  • He placed the suitcase on the scale to check if it exceeded the weight limit.
  • Can you check the scale to see if it's accurate?
  • Students should reach out to their professors if they have any questions or concerns about course material.
  • She believes that excessive regulations can stifle innovation and hinder economic growth if not carefully crafted.
  • He's checking the dimensions of the doorway to see if the couch can fit through.
  • They're discussing the dimensions of the painting to see if it fits on the wall.
  • She checked the diameter of the pot to see if it would fit on the stove.
  • She tiptoed around the "Wet Paint" sign, curious to see if it was still drying.
  • If we break the legislation, we might face consequences.
  • If we want change, we need to advocate for legislative reforms.
  • I'm not sure if our fence meets the height requirements in the ordinance.
  • We should always ask questions if we don't understand the legislation.
  • He's not sure if he's in compliance with the statute regarding tax deductions.
  • I need to check the statute to see if I'm allowed to have a bonfire in my backyard.
  • He always acts as if he knows everything.
  • We have to follow the statute if we want to get our building permit approved.
  • I'm not sure if they're aware of the statute about noise levels in our neighborhood.
  • I'm not sure if he has the toughness to handle the pressure.
  • He needs to work on his endurance if he wants to keep up with the team.
  • I need to work on my endurance if I want to run that race.
  • Is it considered unethical to keep the change if a cashier gives you too much?
  • It's unethical to park in a handicap spot if you're not disabled.
  • He's always been a bit conscienceless, willing to bend the rules if it benefits him.
  • He grapples with the philosophical conundrum of whether an act can be considered truly immoral if it's culturally acceptable within a particular society.
  • I try to always consider how my actions affect others; I couldn't live with myself if I were conscienceless.
  • Emails pile up in my inbox if I don't check them often.
  • Junk mail tends to pile up if I don't check the mailbox every day.
  • Trash tends to pile up if not taken out regularly.
  • If you don't clean the kitchen, the dishes will pile up.
  • If we don't do the laundry soon, the clothes will pile up.
  • Emotions can often pile up, leading to a sense of overwhelm if not addressed.
  • In the kitchen, dirty dishes would pile up if no one washed them.
  • Papers from work pile up on my desk if I don't stay organized.
  • If we don't clean out the fridge regularly, leftovers start to pile up.
  • The hoarder's home was a labyrinth of clutter, each item carefully preserved as if holding the key to a forgotten memory or identity.
  • It gathers dust if not cleaned regularly.
  • Please specify if you have any dietary restrictions for the dinner party.
  • Bills can accumulate if you don't pay them on time.
  • Laundry can accumulate if you don't do it regularly.
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