provided that in a sentence

Meaning: 1) on the condition or understanding that something is the case or will happen, with the implication that if it is not the case or does not happen, a specified consequence will follow 2) allowing for the possibility of something happening; if 3) as long as; on the condition that Similar words: if, in the event that, assuming that, on condition that, as long as, given that, with the understanding that, under the condition that, so long as,

  • The teacher reminded the students to bring their textbooks to class, explaining that they wouldn't be able to participate in the group activity, provided that they didn't have them.
  • You can borrow my bike provided that you return it by 5 pm.
  • I will lend you my umbrella provided that you return it tomorrow.
  • Susan double-checked her shopping list before heading to the grocery store, determined to buy only what was necessary, provided that she stuck to her budget.
  • The chef crafted a unique dish, provided that it showcased the flavors of the region.
  • Turn off the lights provided that you're leaving the room.
  • Close the door provided that you're the last one out.
  • We will achieve success provided that we work together as a team.
  • He might get a present provided that he's good at school.
  • We should prioritize our tasks provided that we want to meet the deadline.
  • They have to finish their project provided that they want to pass the class.
  • They might win the game provided that they play their best.
  • Laura glanced at the clock, realizing she had overslept, hoping her tardiness wouldn't jeopardize her chances of catching the train, provided that it hadn't already departed.
  • I might lend you some money provided that you promise to pay it back.
  • The scientist conducted extensive research, provided that it yielded groundbreaking results.
  • They could start a business provided that they have a solid business plan.
  • Emily smiled as she packed her suitcase, excited for her trip to Europe, provided that she remembered to bring her passport.
  • We can solve this problem provided that we brainstorm creative solutions.
  • Alex stared at the blank canvas before him, unsure of where to begin, grappling with the fear of failure, provided that it didn't paralyze his creativity.
  • Look both ways provided that you're crossing the street.
  • They should communicate effectively provided that they want to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Check the weather provided that you're planning an outdoor activity.
  • You can play outside provided that you wear your coat.
  • He must finish his vegetables provided that he wants dessert.
  • He will attend the meeting provided that it doesn't conflict with his other appointments.
  • Check your email provided that you're expecting an important message.
  • He may have some candy provided that he brushes his teeth afterwards.
  • You can attend the meeting provided that you register in advance.
  • The artist experimented with new techniques, provided that it enriched her creative process.
  • Wash your hands provided that you've finished eating.
  • The entrepreneur decided to invest in renewable energy, provided that it aligned with his company's sustainability goals.
  • James checked his watch nervously, wondering if he would make it to the airport in time for his flight, provided that there were no traffic jams.
  • They will get dessert provided that they eat all their dinner.
  • The novelist sat at her desk, lost in a world of her own creation, weaving together characters and plotlines, striving to capture the essence of human experience, provided that it resonated with her readers.
  • He might get a promotion provided that he demonstrates leadership qualities.
  • He can go to the park provided that he cleans his room.
  • I'll let you watch TV provided that you finish your chores first.
  • We need to be quiet provided that we're in the library.
  • You can watch TV provided that you clean your room first.
  • Put on your seatbelt provided that you're in the car.
  • As the storm clouds gathered overhead, John scrambled to secure the windows, fearing the imminent arrival of a hurricane, provided that it wouldn't devastate his home.
  • He can improve his skills provided that he dedicates more time to practice.
  • The team celebrated their victory on the soccer field, knowing that they could advance to the finals, provided that they won their next game.
  • I won't buy you a toy provided that you behave in the store.
  • We will go to the movies provided that we finish our homework.
  • The negotiations between the two companies dragged on for hours, each side unwilling to compromise, provided that they didn't reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
  • You can come to the party provided that you finish your homework.
  • You can receive a discount provided that you show your student ID.
  • Sarah stood on the edge of the cliff, the wind whipping through her hair, exhilarated by the breathtaking view, contemplating the fragility of life, provided that it wasn't overshadowed by fear.
  • I could join the gym provided that it's not too expensive.
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