in the event that in a sentence

Meaning: 1) as a contingency or possibility that may occur 2) in the case that something happens or does not happen 3) in anticipation of a particular circumstance or situation Similar words: if, should, in case, provided that, assuming that, under the circumstances that, given that,

  • In the event that they arrive early, we can start the meeting ahead of schedule.
  • In the event that the project deadline is moved up, we'll need to work extra hours.
  • She maintains a diverse portfolio of skills and experiences in the event that new opportunities arise in her career.
  • He meticulously plans his investments in the event that economic conditions fluctuate unexpectedly.
  • In the event that it rains, we will bring umbrellas.
  • Please inform me in the event that you cannot attend the meeting.
  • In the event that it's too loud, we can move to a quieter room.
  • Mike brought a book to read in the event that the train ride became boring.
  • I'll bring an extra jacket in the event that it gets chilly.
  • Despite her meticulous planning, Sarah always carries an extra charger in the event that her phone dies unexpectedly.
  • In the event that your flight is delayed, check with the airline for updates and make alternate arrangements if necessary.
  • In the event that you can't sleep, try counting sheep.
  • Despite the clear skies, Laura never leaves home without an umbrella in the event that the weather forecast changes suddenly.
  • You should wear comfortable shoes in the event that we walk a lot.
  • Sarah carefully packed her umbrella in her bag in the event that it rained during her walk home.
  • In the event that I forget to pick up the groceries, please remind me.
  • You should take an umbrella in the event that it rains.
  • In the event that she needs assistance, offer her a helping hand.
  • You should bring extra batteries in the event that the flashlight dies.
  • In the event that your computer crashes unexpectedly, try restarting it first before seeking technical assistance.
  • Lucy made a backup of her project in the event that her computer crashed before the deadline.
  • You should have a plan in the event that your flight is delayed.
  • We can play board games in the event that the power goes out.
  • In the event that you forget your password, most websites offer a "Forgot Password" option to help you reset it.
  • The students decided to have an impromptu study session in the event that the teacher didn't show up.
  • James installed a security system in his house in the event that burglars attempted to break in while he was away.
  • Sarah hurried to close all the windows in her house in the event that the storm grew stronger.
  • David brought extra batteries for his flashlight in the event that they lost power during the camping trip.
  • Anna packed her swimsuit in the event that they decided to go to the beach instead of the pool.
  • Please wear sunscreen in the event that it's sunny.
  • Lisa kept her phone fully charged in the event that she needed to call for help while hiking in the mountains.
  • In the event that the store is closed, we can go to another one.
  • In the event that you witness a car accident, call emergency services immediately and provide them with as much information as possible about the location and nature of the incident.
  • In the event that the restaurant is full, we'll have to wait for a table.
  • You should bring a book in the event that you get bored.
  • I'll bring some snacks in the event that we get hungry.
  • In the event that the movie is sold out, we'll watch something else.
  • Despite being a seasoned traveler, Emily still packs a first aid kit in the event that someone in her group gets injured during their adventures.
  • In the event that you find yourself lost in an unfamiliar area, look for landmarks or ask for directions from local residents to help you find your way.
  • John knew he could rely on his friends for a ride in the event that his car broke down.
  • In the event that you receive a suspicious email requesting personal information, do not click on any links or provide any sensitive data; instead, report it as phishing.
  • In the event that I encounter a challenging situation, I always strive to remain calm and think rationally before taking action.
  • I'll pack some snacks in the event that we get hungry.
  • We have a backup plan in the event that the power goes out.
  • In the event that the train is delayed, we might miss our connection.
  • They implemented strict security measures in the event that unauthorized individuals attempt to access sensitive information.
  • In the event that you can't reach me, leave a message and I'll call back.
  • In the event that the dog barks, let me know.
  • Jack hurried to catch the bus, but in the event that he missed it, he knew he could walk to school.
  • Tom double-checked his alarm clock in the event that he overslept for his important meeting.
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