illiteracy in a sentence

Meaning: 1) inability to read or write 2) lack of knowledge or proficiency in a particular subject or field 3) ignorance or lack of familiarity with a particular language, code, or system Similar words: ignorance, illiterateness, uneducatedness,

  • With each page turned, he found newfound confidence, proving that the fight against illiteracy was worth every effort.
  • He proudly shared his first written story, marking a triumph over the shadows of illiteracy.
  • She immersed herself in literature, gradually dismantling the barriers that illiteracy had imposed on her life.
  • She stumbled on a fascinating podcast, realizing that listening could complement her efforts to combat illiteracy.
  • In our concerted efforts to address illiteracy, we must confront the systemic inequities perpetuating educational disparities in marginalized communities.
  • Illiteracy can limit job opportunities and economic growth in a society.
  • The integration of technology-assisted literacy platforms exemplifies the contemporary paradigm shift in addressing adult illiteracy.
  • Illiteracy impacts society as a whole; it hinders progress and limits our collective potential.
  • Initiatives promoting literacy awareness play a pivotal role in mobilizing communities to address the root causes of illiteracy.
  • Libraries often have programs to support people dealing with illiteracy and improve their skills.
  • Navigating the labyrinth of illiteracy necessitates a nuanced understanding of the sociocultural determinants that underpin this pervasive challenge.
  • A comprehensive approach is essential to address the multifaceted issue of illiteracy in diverse communities.
  • Illiteracy can make finding information online or reading emails a frustrating experience.
  • Illiteracy affects individuals differently; for example, she struggles to read while he finds it challenging to write.
  • We formed a reading club, where we supported each other on the path to overcoming illiteracy.
  • They found joy in reading simple stories, a crucial step in combating illiteracy.
  • She struggled with illiteracy, but each day's effort brought her closer to her reading goals.
  • Many people struggle with illiteracy, which means they cannot read or write.
  • Guided by a mentor, he embraced the joy of storytelling, unlocking the magic hidden within the pages despite past struggles with illiteracy.
  • It's tough when you face illiteracy because it's hard to read things like signs and labels.
  • She proudly shared her first poem, a testament to the triumph over illiteracy, inspiring others in their educational journey.
  • We joined a community class together, where we shared the journey of overcoming illiteracy.
  • She joined a community initiative, becoming a beacon of hope for others striving to overcome the shadows of illiteracy.
  • Talking openly about illiteracy is the first step towards finding solutions and offering support.
  • We can create a more inclusive society by raising awareness about the challenges of illiteracy.
  • They recognized the interconnectedness of illiteracy and social disparities, advocating for educational equality.
  • She, along with her friends, embraced a culture of continuous learning, debunking the myths surrounding adult illiteracy.
  • The correlation between socio-economic factors and illiteracy rates underscores the need for targeted interventions.
  • Community-led initiatives create a supportive environment, making it easier for individuals to overcome the challenges of illiteracy.
  • In some regions, high illiteracy rates are linked to poverty and lack of access to schools.
  • Breaking the cycle of illiteracy requires ongoing commitment from both individuals and society as a whole.
  • A nuanced understanding of adult learning theories is crucial in designing effective interventions for tackling entrenched illiteracy.
  • The intersectionality of illiteracy and social inequality necessitates a holistic approach in educational policy-making.
  • Overcoming illiteracy is a journey, and there are resources available to help every step of the way.
  • Adult education programs aim to help those struggling with illiteracy to improve their skills.
  • In the context of globalization, addressing illiteracy becomes imperative for fostering international competitiveness.
  • Illiteracy impacts job prospects, highlighting the importance of continuous learning and skill development.
  • Learning to read can open up a whole new world, and that's why it's important to address illiteracy.
  • Illiteracy doesn't define a person; with support, he can overcome it and achieve great things.
  • Navigating the complexities of illiteracy demands a comprehensive approach, encompassing socio-economic, cultural, and psychological dimensions.
  • We collaborated with local educators, implementing innovative strategies to address the nuances of adult illiteracy.
  • He took the initiative to enroll in a community college, determined to overcome the challenges of illiteracy.
  • He discovered that books could unlock new worlds, inspiring him to conquer illiteracy.
  • When people come together to support literacy programs, they contribute to the collective fight against illiteracy.
  • They face difficulties at work due to illiteracy, impacting their ability to understand written instructions.
  • She realized that illiteracy wasn't a roadblock but a challenge she could overcome with perseverance.
  • He believes that tackling illiteracy is key to empowering communities and fostering equality.
  • It was an uphill battle, but he persevered, proving that personal commitment can triumph over the hurdles of illiteracy.
  • Accessible education is crucial to combating illiteracy, ensuring everyone has the chance to learn and grow.
  • Libraries are not just about books; they serve as hubs for literacy programs, aiding those facing illiteracy.
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