illiterateness in a sentence

Meaning: 1) lack of ability to read and write 2) absence of knowledge or familiarity with a particular subject or field 3) deficiency in education or learning, resulting in limited intellectual or cultural awareness Similar words: illiteracy, uneducatedness, unletteredness,

  • The local library became a haven for those fighting against the grip of illiterateness.
  • Illiterateness turned into a distant memory as they learned and grew.
  • She delved into the multifaceted dimensions of illiterateness, uncovering correlations with economic disparities.
  • Everyday tasks like reading a menu become difficult with illiterateness.
  • Illiterateness affects him at work, limiting his opportunities.
  • In today's job market, illiterateness can be a hindrance when creating a resume or cover letter.
  • Intermediate level learners often grapple with illiterateness, seeking targeted strategies for improvement.
  • Societal attitudes toward illiterateness can perpetuate cycles of discrimination, emphasizing the need for comprehensive educational reforms.
  • The workplace seminar provided valuable tools for addressing illiterateness challenges.
  • They practiced reading together, slowly overcoming illiterateness as a team.
  • As technology advances, addressing illiterateness becomes even more critical for participation in the modern world.
  • She joined a class, determined to overcome her illiterateness.
  • Illiterateness can hinder understanding of safety instructions on products.
  • We redefine the educational landscape aiming to eradicate illiterateness at its roots.
  • Not being able to read or write is called illiterateness.
  • In the bustling city, Maria tackled illiterateness with a newfound determination.
  • We confront illiterateness head-on, cognizant of the profound implications it poses for societal progress.
  • Addressing illiterateness involves not just basic reading but also comprehending nuanced information.
  • Illiterateness is a nuanced issue, with various factors contributing to its persistence in certain populations.
  • Basic illiterateness affects the ability to enjoy books and stories.
  • Intermediate learners often face the frustration of illiterateness when reading complex instructions.
  • They face difficulties in daily life due to illiterateness.
  • She faces challenges in her studies due to illiterateness.
  • The intersectionality of illiterateness with other socioeconomic factors requires a holistic approach for creating lasting change in communities.
  • Illiterateness may result in difficulty reading and responding to emails.
  • Illiterateness impacts individuals, making it hard for them to follow instructions.
  • Illiterateness didn't stop him; he practiced reading every day.
  • Intermediate learners often find that overcoming illiterateness requires continuous effort and support.
  • Parents with intermediate English skills may find it challenging to support children facing illiterateness.
  • Many job applications require basic reading, affecting illiterateness.
  • Parents with illiterateness may struggle to help their kids with homework.
  • Illiterateness affects us when trying to understand important information.
  • The intricate web of illiterateness demands nuanced solutions that encompass not only traditional literacy but also digital and media literacy.
  • Each overcoming illiterateness shared at the community center echoed the power of collective effort.
  • Navigating the internet becomes more daunting for those grappling with illiterateness.
  • They grapple with the complexities of illiterateness, seeking evidence-based interventions for sustainable impact.
  • In the workplace, illiterateness can hinder effective communication and collaboration.
  • As they joined a community class, friendships blossomed amid shared struggles with illiterateness.
  • In the end, illiterateness became a challenge they conquered together.
  • We must reevaluate our priorities to address the intricate challenges woven into the fabric of illiterateness.
  • Overcoming illiterateness in daily life requires practical strategies like reading newspapers or writing grocery lists.
  • Addressing illiterateness requires a multifaceted approach, involving education, community engagement, and policy changes.
  • Illiterateness impacts individuals at the doctor's office, making medical information harder to comprehend.
  • The ramifications of illiterateness extend beyond mere literacy; they intertwine with broader issues of social justice and equity.
  • They incorporating diverse perspectives to combat illiterateness inclusively.
  • She articulated the intricate interplay between illiterateness and social inequality, sparking conversations on systemic change.
  • Schools aim to eliminate illiterateness through literacy programs.
  • Adults with intermediate English skills may still face challenges when confronted with illiterateness.
  • With effort and support, illiterateness became a chapter of the past.
  • The socioeconomic impact of illiterateness is profound and affects communities globally.
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