immeasurable in a sentence

Meaning: 1) unable to be measured; limitless, boundless, infinite 2) of such great size or extent as to be beyond measurement or comprehension 3) too great or extreme to be measured or accurately assessed Similar words: bottomless, boundless, enormous, extensive, immense, incalculable, indefinite, inestimable, infinite, limitless, unbounded, unfathomable, untold, vast,

  • They faced immeasurable challenges during their journey.
  • She demonstrated immeasurable courage in standing up for what she believed in.
  • We encountered immeasurable beauty while hiking in the mountains.
  • We enjoyed an immeasurable sense of freedom while exploring the open road on our road trip.
  • We experienced immeasurable relief when the power came back on after the storm.
  • The support from my family is immeasurable.
  • The joy in my heart is immeasurable.
  • They embarked on a quest to uncover the immeasurable depths of human consciousness through meditation and introspection.
  • The taste of her grandmother's cooking brought back immeasurable nostalgia.
  • We navigate the immeasurable depths of artificial intelligence, exploring its potential impact on society.
  • The universe's vastness is immeasurable.
  • It brought him immeasurable satisfaction to finally finish his project.
  • It was clear that he possessed an immeasurable amount of talent in his chosen field.
  • The team's victory brought with it an immeasurable sense of pride for the entire community.
  • We can never truly grasp the immeasurable complexity of the human brain.
  • The amount of work waiting for me at the office feels immeasurable today.
  • The taste of mom's cooking is immeasurable.
  • They encountered immeasurable frustration trying to assemble the furniture.
  • She faced an immeasurable amount of stress while preparing for her exams.
  • The consequences of unchecked deforestation are immeasurable for future generations.
  • We shared immeasurable laughter during our time together.
  • We shared an immeasurable bond forged through years of friendship.
  • The immeasurable intricacies of quantum mechanics never fail to fascinate me.
  • The beauty of nature is immeasurable.
  • She showed immeasurable patience while teaching her students.
  • He delved into the immeasurable depths of philosophical inquiry to seek meaning in life.
  • His kindness is immeasurable.
  • The traffic jam made my frustration feel immeasurable.
  • He found himself in a state of immeasurable awe when he beheld the Grand Canyon.
  • She possesses an immeasurable capacity for empathy, always understanding others' perspectives deeply.
  • We must confront the immeasurable complexities of global politics with nuance and foresight.
  • The mountain's height is immeasurable.
  • She felt a sense of immeasurable gratitude towards her supportive friends.
  • He felt immeasurable sadness after losing his pet.
  • She found immeasurable comfort in the company of her loyal dog.
  • My love for you is immeasurable.
  • He delved into the immeasurable depths of existential philosophy, grappling with the meaning of existence itself.
  • It brought him immeasurable joy to see his children thriving in their pursuits.
  • The amount of laundry seems immeasurable sometimes.
  • They attributed their success to the immeasurable support of their mentors.
  • The distance between us feels immeasurable.
  • She possesses an immeasurable talent for playing the piano.
  • He delves into the immeasurable complexities of abstract art, deciphering hidden meanings within each stroke.
  • The significance of cultural heritage is immeasurable in shaping societies.
  • We must strive to leave behind an immeasurable legacy of kindness and compassion.
  • They experienced immeasurable satisfaction upon completing the challenging project.
  • They confront the immeasurable challenges of climate change head-on, advocating for sustainable practices to mitigate its effects.
  • My excitement for the weekend is immeasurable.
  • The impact of climate change on ecosystems is immeasurable.
  • The amount of paperwork on my desk feels immeasurable.
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