indefinite in a sentence

Meaning: 1) uncertain; not clearly defined or determined 2) vague; lacking precise boundaries or limits 3) unspecified; not stated or identified specifically 4) indefinite; lasting for an unknown or unspecified period of time 5) ambiguous; having more than one possible interpretation or meaning Similar words: ambiguous, arbitrary, boundless, immeasurable, open-ended, uncertain, unclear, undefined, undetermined, unpredictable, unspecified, vague,

  • She is facing an indefinite delay in her immigration process due to paperwork issues.
  • The new law introduced an indefinite waiting period for citizenship applications.
  • She decided to take an indefinite leave of absence from her job to focus on her health.
  • He's been feeling a bit lost lately, unsure about his future plans and living in an indefinite state of uncertainty.
  • The store has an indefinite return policy, so you can bring back the item whenever.
  • She's been granted an indefinite extension on her project deadline to accommodate her recent illness.
  • It's difficult for him to make plans when his schedule is so indefinite.
  • Amidst the pandemic uncertainty, she found solace in the indefinite possibilities of remote work, embracing the newfound flexibility it offered.
  • He's been stuck in an indefinite cycle of procrastination, unable to break free from it.
  • They were placed under indefinite quarantine after being exposed to a contagious disease.
  • She's been given an indefinite extension on her assignment deadline.
  • We're experiencing an indefinite period of instability in the economy, which makes financial planning difficult.
  • He's been experiencing an indefinite feeling of nostalgia, reminiscing about his childhood memories.
  • We are navigating through an indefinite period of uncertainty in our business venture.
  • The project timeline is indefinite at this point; we're still figuring out the details.
  • They're in an indefinite state of limbo while they wait for the results of the investigation.
  • She waited for an indefinite amount of time for the bus.
  • We're considering an indefinite postponement of the event due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • I have an indefinite number of pencils in my bag.
  • They are grappling with an indefinite sense of loss following the passing of their beloved pet.
  • She's uncertain about her plans and has an indefinite timeline for making decisions.
  • I immersed myself in the intricate world of quantum mechanics, fascinated by the concept of indefinite states and the probabilistic nature of reality.
  • They're stuck in an indefinite traffic jam on the highway.
  • She's been feeling indefinite about her career choice lately.
  • He has been searching for an indefinite solution to the problem.
  • She reveled in the indefinite nuances of language, exploring the richness of words and their subtle variations in meaning.
  • She felt an indefinite sense of longing for her homeland while living abroad.
  • We're keeping the invitation list open-ended, so feel free to invite an indefinite number of guests.
  • I'm feeling an indefinite sense of anticipation about the upcoming event.
  • She's been feeling an indefinite sense of dissatisfaction with her current job, considering a career change.
  • We're facing an indefinite period of adjustment after moving to a new city, trying to settle in and find our bearings.
  • She is in an indefinite relationship with her partner, unsure of where it's headed.
  • We embarked on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the uncertainty of life with an indefinite curiosity and thirst for knowledge.
  • He's been waiting for an indefinite period for his package to arrive.
  • We find ourselves in an indefinite waiting game, awaiting news about the job offer.
  • There is an indefinite feeling of uncertainty in the air.
  • They are experiencing an indefinite interruption in their travel plans due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • He is experiencing an indefinite pause in his career advancement due to company restructuring.
  • They received an indefinite suspension from school for their behavior.
  • They're facing an indefinite delay in the delivery of their furniture due to logistical issues.
  • We're facing an indefinite supply chain disruption due to the ongoing labor strike.
  • We are dealing with an indefinite power outage in our neighborhood caused by a storm.
  • He delved into the depths of philosophical discourse, grappling with the existential dilemma of indefinite free will versus determinism.
  • Sorry, I can't give you an exact time for when I'll be back, it's indefinite.
  • He was filled with anxiety as he faced the indefinite prospect of unemployment.
  • We're in an indefinite holding pattern with our vacation plans until we hear back from the travel agency.
  • Can you hold on for an indefinite moment? I need to grab something.
  • He grappled with the existential question of indefinite purpose, pondering the meaning of life in the vast expanse of the universe.
  • The repairman said the repair time is indefinite, so we might have to wait a while.
  • They ventured into the realm of abstract art, exploring the indefinite boundaries of perception and interpretation.
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