undetermined in a sentence

Meaning: 1) not having a particular or decided identity, quantity, quality, or nature 2) not yet settled, concluded, or resolved 3) not fixed or established definitively Similar words: ambiguously, inconclusive, indeterminate, open-ended, uncertain, undefined, unresolvedly, unsettled, unspecified,

  • The ramifications of the economic downturn are undetermined, prompting businesses to brace for potential challenges ahead.
  • The impact of technology on society is undetermined; it depends on how it is used.
  • My relationship status is undetermined; I'm still figuring things out.
  • The price of the product is undetermined; it hasn't been decided yet.
  • The cause of the power outage is undetermined; the electric company is investigating.
  • The teacher hasn't announced the exam date yet; it's undetermined.
  • He's torn between two options; his decision is undetermined.
  • They're awaiting test results; their health status is undetermined until then.
  • The potential consequences of climate change on global ecosystems are undetermined, urging scientists to intensify their research efforts.
  • My plans for the weekend are undetermined; I'll see how I feel closer to Friday.
  • The motive behind the crime is undetermined; investigators are still gathering evidence.
  • We collectively pondered the undetermined fate of our civilization, contemplating the myriad possibilities that lay ahead.
  • The extent of the damage to the environment is undetermined; further assessments are needed.
  • Their future plans are undetermined; they're taking things one step at a time.
  • The cause of the fire is undetermined; investigators are still looking into it.
  • Despite extensive research, the cause of the illness remains undetermined.
  • They're deliberating on where to invest their money; the best option is undetermined.
  • The results of the experiment are undetermined; further analysis is required.
  • I haven't decided on a major yet; my academic path is undetermined.
  • He meticulously analyzed the undetermined variables in the equation, striving for mathematical precision and clarity.
  • The winner of the competition is undetermined until the judges announce it.
  • I found solace in the undetermined beauty of the sunset, marveling at the ever-changing hues that painted the sky.
  • The outcome of the meeting is undetermined; it could go either way.
  • The outcome of the negotiations between the two countries is undetermined, casting uncertainty over diplomatic relations.
  • I'm feeling a bit lost; my purpose in life seems undetermined at the moment.
  • His response to the job offer is undetermined; he's still considering his options.
  • I'm hesitant to make a reservation because my availability is undetermined.
  • The outcome of the negotiation is undetermined until both parties reach an agreement.
  • I'm in the process of house-hunting, but my budget is undetermined.
  • The time for the meeting is undetermined; we need to wait for confirmation.
  • The project deadline is undetermined due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • The future of the project is undetermined; we need more information to make a decision.
  • The value of the antique is undetermined until it's appraised by an expert.
  • I'm waiting for the doctor to call with test results; my diagnosis is undetermined.
  • She grappled with the undetermined nature of her emotions, unable to decipher the complexities of her inner turmoil.
  • They're hesitant to make plans because their schedule is undetermined.
  • I'm feeling a bit lost right now; my career path is undetermined.
  • The extent of the damage to the car is undetermined until the mechanic takes a look.
  • We're still deliberating on which project to prioritize; it's undetermined which one will receive funding.
  • I'm feeling uncertain about my relationship; its future is undetermined.
  • She hasn't made up her mind about the party; her attendance is undetermined.
  • I'm not sure which movie to watch tonight; my choice is undetermined.
  • He's waiting for feedback on his proposal; the outcome is undetermined.
  • Despite extensive research, the origins of the ancient artifact remain undetermined, leaving archaeologists baffled.
  • She's unsure about her future career path; it feels undetermined right now.
  • The implications of the new policy on healthcare are undetermined, stirring heated debate among policymakers and citizens alike.
  • The date for the party is undetermined; we're waiting for everyone's availability.
  • The extent of his injuries is undetermined; he needs to see a doctor.
  • Sorry, I can't commit to plans yet, my schedule is undetermined at the moment.
  • She's hesitant to accept the job offer; her future with the company remains undetermined.
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