undefined in a sentence

Meaning: 1) not defined or determined; lacking a clear, specific meaning or value 2) not having a precise or fixed purpose or significance; vague or indeterminate 3) not established or specified; lacking clarity or certainty in definition or identification 4) not properly defined or described; lacking clear boundaries or parameters 5) not valid or meaningful in a given context; lacking appropriate definition or resolution Similar words: ambiguous, indeterminate, inexact, open-ended, uncertain, unclear, undetermined, unspecified, vague,

  • Her feelings towards him were vague and undefined.
  • They're feeling undefined about which holiday destination to pick this year.
  • We're feeling undefined about where to go on vacation this summer.
  • The purpose of this meeting is still undefined.
  • I'm feeling undefined about what to say during the presentation.
  • The future of the company is undefined after the recent changes.
  • The undefined parameters of the experiment make it difficult to draw conclusive results.
  • They feel undefined about whether to go on vacation this year.
  • The plan for the weekend is still undefined, but we'll figure it out soon.
  • She's feeling undefined about whether to accept the job offer or not.
  • She's feeling a bit undefined about whether to pursue further education or start working.
  • I'm feeling undefined about which outfit to wear to the party.
  • They're feeling undefined about whether to join the gym or exercise at home.
  • She grapples with the undefined boundaries of her creativity, constantly pushing the limits of her artistic expression.
  • My plans for the weekend are still undefined.
  • The undefined nature of the problem requires a thorough investigation by the experts.
  • I'm feeling undefined about whether to buy this dress or not. What do you think?
  • His philosophical stance on morality remains undefined, reflecting a nuanced understanding of ethical dilemmas.
  • The meaning of the word is still undefined for me.
  • We're feeling undefined about what color to paint the living room.
  • We're feeling a bit undefined about where to go on vacation this summer.
  • He explores the undefined depths of his subconscious through meditation and introspection, seeking enlightenment.
  • They're feeling undefined about which movie to watch tonight.
  • My schedule for next week is still undefined, so I can't make any plans yet.
  • He seems undefined about which class to take next semester.
  • The terms and conditions of the contract remain undefined, causing confusion among the parties involved.
  • He's feeling undefined about whether to invest in stocks or real estate.
  • She's feeling undefined about which career path to follow after graduation.
  • His role in the project is undefined at the moment.
  • The undefined intricacies of human emotions often lead to complex interpersonal relationships.
  • The company's goals for the upcoming year are still undefined, leading to uncertainty among employees.
  • I'm feeling undefined about whether to attend the party or stay home and relax.
  • The concept of love is often undefined and varies from person to person.
  • I'm feeling a bit undefined about which route to take to get there.
  • They're feeling undefined about whether to renovate their house or move to a new one.
  • Her career path is currently undefined, as she considers various options for the future.
  • They confront the undefined implications of climate change, advocating for sustainable solutions to mitigate its effects.
  • She's feeling undefined about her future career path after finishing university.
  • He's feeling undefined about his role in the team since the leadership changes.
  • She's feeling undefined about her relationship status after the recent breakup.
  • We're feeling undefined about whether to adopt a pet or not.
  • They're feeling undefined about which investment opportunity to choose for their savings.
  • The undefined trajectory of technological advancements raises questions about the future of humanity.
  • I am undefined about what to eat for dinner tonight.
  • She felt undefined when she lost her favorite toy.
  • I'm feeling undefined about whether to pursue a Master's degree or start working full-time.
  • Can you help me? I'm feeling so undefined about what gift to buy for my mom's birthday.
  • I'm feeling undefined about whether to take up that job offer or not.
  • She's feeling a bit undefined about which book to read next.
  • I'm feeling undefined about whether to buy a new phone or stick with my current one.
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