unclear in a sentence

Meaning: 1) not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand 2) not transparent or translucent; cloudy or obscured in appearance 3) not expressed or stated in a clear or definite manner 4) not evident or obvious; lacking clarity or distinctness Similar words: ambiguous, cloudy, confounded, confusing, hazy, indistinct, murky, obscure, uncertain, vague,

  • Ergo, I sought clarification from the instructor since the instructions were unclear.
  • He is conceding that the instructions were unclear.
  • As the debate heated up, his arguments became jumbled and unclear.
  • We tried to decipher the garbled message together, but it remained unclear.
  • The details in the report were vague and unclear.
  • I'm feeling overwhelmed because the tasks ahead are unclear.
  • They deliberated for hours, trying to untangle the unclear motives behind the sudden policy change.
  • The situation is unclear; we need more information.
  • The weather forecast for tomorrow is still unclear; they can't decide if it's going to rain or not.
  • The instructions for assembling the furniture were poorly translated and unclear.
  • They couldn't follow the recipe because the instructions were unclear.
  • The instructions were unclear, so I got lost.
  • I'm worried because his intentions are unclear.
  • The artist's intentions behind the abstract painting were unclear, provoking varied interpretations.
  • They're frustrated because the guidelines provided are unclear.
  • The policy changes announced by the government are causing confusion due to their unclear implementation.
  • We got lost because the road signs were unclear.
  • We're all confused because the schedule for the event is unclear.
  • We're confused because the map is unclear, and we don't know where to go.
  • They were unable to proceed because the path ahead was unclear.
  • They're feeling lost because the map is unclear.
  • Despite his eloquence, the speaker's message remained somewhat unclear, prompting questions from the audience.
  • The menu at that restaurant is unclear; I couldn't figure out what half of the dishes were.
  • The explanation was unclear; I still don't understand.
  • Despite repeated explanations, the concept remains unclear to many students.
  • His handwriting is so unclear; I can't read it.
  • I find his explanation unclear; it doesn't make much sense to me.
  • He, a seasoned diplomat, navigated the negotiation with finesse, skillfully clarifying the unclear terms of the treaty.
  • The map is unclear; I can't tell where we are.
  • I'm not sure what she meant; her message was a bit unclear.
  • She felt a sense of unease because his intentions remained unclear.
  • She hesitated to commit because the terms of the agreement were unclear.
  • The path ahead is unclear; we don't know which way to go.
  • We were left in a state of confusion because the details provided were unclear.
  • I grappled with the unclear implications of the research findings, pondering their broader significance.
  • The contract terms were so unclear that I had to ask for clarification.
  • He was hesitant to make a decision because the outcome was unclear.
  • The implications of his statement remain unclear; we need further analysis.
  • The feedback from the supervisor was unclear, leaving the employee unsure about how to improve.
  • They were frustrated with the situation because the reasons behind it were unclear.
  • He's upset because the rules were unclear, and he got penalized.
  • He's hesitant to make a decision because the consequences are unclear.
  • I, as the project manager, took on the responsibility of deciphering the unclear requirements and aligning them with our objectives.
  • We were all left guessing because the purpose of the meeting was unclear.
  • The message was unclear; I couldn't understand what they meant.
  • I find his instructions really unclear; I wish he'd explain it better.
  • She, an experienced journalist, unraveled the complex narrative, shedding light on the unclear events surrounding the scandal.
  • The announcement over the intercom was unclear; I couldn't make out what they were saying.
  • I don't understand what they mean; their message is unclear.
  • He seemed puzzled because the directions were unclear.
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