obscure in a sentence

Meaning: 1) difficult to understand or perceive 2) not clear or transparent 3) not well-known; not easily noticed or recognized 4) not clearly expressed or easily understood 5) concealed or hidden from view 6) lacking prominence or fame 7) dark or dim; not well-lit Similar words: abstruse, ambiguous, confusing, cryptic, enigmatic, esoteric, hidden, illegible, inscrutable, mysterious, mystifying, murky, nebulous, opaque, shadowy, unclear, unfathomable, unseen, vague, veiled,

  • In their avant-garde literary circle, they collectively decided to nominate an obscure yet brilliant author for a prestigious literary award.
  • They embarked on a culinary pilgrimage, traversing the globe in search of obscure flavors and ancient techniques, documenting their discoveries in a quest to redefine the boundaries of gastronomy.
  • As a result of her passion for linguistics, a polyglot journey was undertaken, leading to the mastery of obscure languages and the deciphering of linguistic nuances that elude many scholars.
  • Therefore, he meticulously unearthed obscure archives, shedding light on forgotten historical events.
  • We encountered an obscure manuscript, and its arcane language made it nearly unreadable without historical context.
  • I relished the challenge of deciphering undecipherable passages in obscure manuscripts, immersing myself in the linguistic enigma.
  • Exploring obscure topics in conversation can lead to fascinating discussions and new perspectives.
  • I find the instructions on assembling furniture to be quite obscure.
  • In their quest for knowledge, students should not shy away from exploring obscure academic disciplines.
  • He discovered an obscure passage in the old manuscript that changed the interpretation of the story.
  • When choosing a new plant for your garden, be cautious of obscure varieties that require special care.
  • When studying history, delve into obscure primary sources for a more nuanced perspective.
  • He synthesized an obscure compound in the laboratory, paving the way for groundbreaking advancements in medicine.
  • The writing on the old map was obscure and hard to decipher.
  • They collaborated on an interdisciplinary project, weaving together obscure theories from psychology, philosophy, and sociology.
  • As a hobby, she enjoys exploring obscure bookstores in search of hidden literary gems.
  • When traveling, take time to discover obscure local customs that might enrich your experience.
  • As the sun set, the village became enveloped in obscure shadows.
  • The scientist conducted experiments to unveil the obscure mechanism behind the rare phenomenon.
  • The old bookshop had a section dedicated to obscure tales and legends.
  • The menu at the new restaurant was full of obscure dishes I had never heard of.
  • To improve your productivity, consider using obscure keyboard shortcuts in software applications.
  • Trying to follow the recipe without the proper measurements made it obscure how much of each ingredient to use.
  • The film director has a penchant for casting actors who bring life to obscure and complex characters.
  • Mastering obscure grammar rules can elevate your writing and communication skills.
  • They explored an obscure trail in the mountains, leading to breathtaking panoramic views.
  • In science class, we learned that certain stars may appear obscure due to distance from Earth.
  • Exploring the museum's archives revealed obscure artifacts that shed light on ancient civilizations.
  • To find reliable information, avoid obscure websites and stick to reputable sources.
  • The message in the bottle was written in an obscure language.
  • Despite its obscure origins, the traditional dance has gained popularity worldwide.
  • Understanding the basics of coding languages can help you decipher obscure error messages in software.
  • When navigating a new city, use landmarks to avoid getting lost in obscure neighborhoods.
  • Trying a new hobby can be exciting; consider something a bit obscure to challenge yourself.
  • We can broaden our cultural awareness by engaging with obscure traditions and rituals from around the world.
  • In literature, analyzing obscure subplots can provide insights into the author's thematic intentions.
  • In photography, adjusting the aperture can help capture details in obscure lighting conditions.
  • For online safety, avoid clicking on obscure links or downloading files from unknown sources.
  • To avoid confusion, check the expiration date on products with obscure packaging.
  • Lost in the mysterious forest, the adventurer stumbled upon an obscure trail.
  • A cryptic message on a tattered map guided them to an obscure cave.
  • The artist's work is often praised for its ability to transform obscure concepts into captivating visuals.
  • She developed a passion for collecting obscure vinyl records, seeking rare gems from different genres.
  • Exploring the city's backstreets often reveals obscure cafes and shops known only to locals.
  • Exploring diverse cuisines can introduce you to obscure spices and flavors that enhance your cooking.
  • The directions to the hidden treasure were deliberately obscure.
  • We often underestimate the impact of obscure habits on our overall well-being.
  • They embarked on a journey to revive an obscure art form, preserving it for future generations.
  • In the spooky attic, they discovered an obscure box filled with old photographs.
  • We, as intellectuals, must confront the obscure nuances of ethical dilemmas to foster a just society.
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