confusing in a sentence

Meaning: 1) causing bewilderment or lack of clarity, leading to a state of perplexity or uncertainty 2) characterized by a lack of clear understanding or distinctness, resulting in difficulty in comprehension 3) producing a sense of disorder or disarray in thought, making it challenging to make sense of information 4) marked by complexity or intricacy, making it hard to untangle or decipher 5) creating a state of mental disorientation or puzzlement due to conflicting or unclear information Similar words: abstruse, ambiguous, baffling, bewildering, chaotic, complex, complicated, confounding, disconcerting, disorienting, incomprehensible, jumbled, mystifying, muddled, perplexing, troublesome, uncertain, unsettling,

  • The regulation regarding mask-wearing in public places has been confusing lately.
  • Understanding legislation can be confusing sometimes.
  • In light of this confusing map, Peter asked for directions to find the hidden waterfall.
  • The book was interesting, but it was a bit confusing overall.
  • The smartphone update was confusing, allowing users to seek assistance online.
  • The traffic signs at the intersection are jumbled; it's confusing.
  • The recipe instructions were jumbled, leading to a confusing cooking process.
  • Attempting a new dance routine, the steps felt initially confusing but improved with practice.
  • At the store, the different brands were confusing.
  • In the detective novel, the unexpected plot twists made it confusing yet captivating.
  • The map is confusing.
  • While planning the event, conflicting ideas led to a confusing discussion.
  • Deciphering the intricacies of quantum physics can be confusing, demanding a solid foundation in theoretical concepts.
  • Grasping the subtle connotations in poetry can be confusing, as interpretations vary among readers.
  • As they rearranged the living room, the furniture assembly instructions seemed confusing.
  • Navigating through a foreign city's public transportation system can be initially confusing.
  • Her explanation was confusing.
  • Grouping similar tasks on a to-do list can help avoid a confusing workload.
  • In cooking, measuring ingredients accurately helps prevent a confusing recipe outcome.
  • Juggling multiple tasks at work can sometimes lead to a confusing workload.
  • I find math class confusing.
  • Choosing the right insurance policy can be confusing, considering the various options available.
  • In the maze, the paths were confusing.
  • During the treasure hunt, the map's twists and turns were confusing but exciting.
  • Labeling storage boxes reduces the likelihood of a confusing mix-up.
  • Understanding the terms and conditions of a contract may be confusing without legal assistance.
  • The movie plot was confusing.
  • The scientific explanation behind certain phenomena can be confusing but is fascinating.
  • Explaining quantum mechanics can be challenging due to its inherently confusing nature.
  • Setting up the TV was confusing.
  • At the tech store, the specifications on different gadgets proved confusing.
  • The menu is confusing.
  • Interpreting abstract art may seem confusing, as each viewer perceives it differently.
  • Understanding the nuances of cultural traditions can be confusing for outsiders.
  • The novel's complex plot twists may be confusing at first, but they add depth to the story.
  • Trying to follow the GPS directions in the city can be confusing and garbled.
  • We, as a society, must confront the confusing intricacies of systemic issues to drive meaningful change.
  • Reading a map can be confusing, but the key shows the symbols.
  • The road signs are confusing.
  • Weather forecasts can be confusing.
  • They, the experts in the field, endeavored to demystify the confusing aspects of the cutting-edge technology.
  • Building the furniture was confusing.
  • Crafting a persuasive argument necessitates clarity, as convoluted language can be confusing to the audience.
  • The instructions are confusing.
  • The foreign language made the directions confusing.
  • Trying a new recipe turned out to be confusing.
  • Finding the right platform online was confusing.
  • His speech was confusing.
  • Analyzing financial reports can be confusing without a background in accounting.
  • As she explored the antique shop, the array of items became confusing.
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