muddled in a sentence

Meaning: 1) confused or disordered in mind or ideas 2) mixed up in a confused or disordered manner 3) characterized by a lack of clarity or precision 4) intoxicated or in a state of confusion due to alcohol or drugs Similar words: baffled, bewildered, chaotic, cluttered, confounded, confused, disarrayed, discombobulated, disordered, disorganized, fuddled, haphazard, jumbled, messed-up, muzzy, perplexed, tangled, unclear, unsettled,

  • They got muddled in the instructions for assembling the furniture.
  • The schedule for the day is muddled, but let's go with the flow.
  • The weather forecast is muddled, so I'm not sure if it will rain later.
  • The kitchen looks muddled with dishes everywhere.
  • The novel's plot was intentionally muddled, keeping readers guessing.
  • The negotiations grew muddled as both parties struggled to find common ground.
  • My room is muddled with toys and clothes.
  • The instructions were muddled, and I got confused.
  • We found ourselves muddled in a maze of unfamiliar streets.
  • The instructions for the new gadget were a bit muddled, so I watched a tutorial.
  • The restaurant menu was a bit muddled, but the waiter helped us choose.
  • They were muddled by the variety of options on the restaurant menu.
  • The convoluted legal document left even seasoned lawyers muddled about its implications.
  • The schedule for the event got muddled, causing some confusion among attendees.
  • The schedule for the day is a bit muddled, but we'll figure it out.
  • The conversation with my friend turned muddled when we touched on sensitive topics.
  • The meeting became muddled as everyone spoke at once.
  • The family discussion about vacation plans became muddled with different opinions.
  • It was evident that I had muddled my words during the presentation.
  • The interdisciplinary research project became muddled as scholars from diverse fields struggled to find a unified approach.
  • The map got muddled, and they ended up in the wrong town.
  • The financial report was muddled, requiring careful analysis.
  • His explanation of the project was muddled, so we sought clarification.
  • Despite her muddled emotions, she maintained a poised exterior during the challenging negotiation.
  • Rain muddled the picnic plans, but they had fun indoors.
  • Despite the muddled instructions, she managed to assemble the furniture.
  • The grocery list is a bit muddled; I hope I don't forget anything.
  • Sorry, I'm a bit muddled about the meeting time. Can you remind me?
  • The artist's abstract painting left viewers feeling intrigued but somewhat muddled.
  • They skillfully navigated through the muddled negotiations to reach a diplomatic resolution.
  • I'm feeling a bit muddled today; I think I need a break to clear my mind.
  • The philosophical discourse, though enriching, often left the audience feeling intellectually muddled.
  • The detective sifted through the muddled evidence to solve the case.
  • The traffic made the morning commute feel muddled and frustrating.
  • She felt muddled after a long day at work.
  • The puzzle pieces got muddled, and I can't find the right match.
  • We were muddled about whether to choose the beach or the mountains for vacation.
  • We found ourselves muddled in a debate over the best course of action.
  • The recipe instructions are muddled, and I'm not sure how much salt to add.
  • His room was muddled with toys, but he loved the chaos.
  • It seemed like he muddled up the dates for the meeting.
  • The recipe seemed easy, but it got muddled halfway through.
  • I always get muddled when trying to follow complicated directions.
  • The scientific theory, though intriguing, left many questions muddled.
  • He effortlessly dissected the muddled intricacies of the scientific hypothesis.
  • A muddled message caused confusion among the team.
  • The movie plot seemed straightforward at first but got muddled in the middle.
  • His thoughts were muddled, like a jigsaw puzzle missing pieces.
  • My plans for the weekend got muddled up, and now I'm not sure what to do.
  • The cat muddled the yarn, creating a colorful mess.
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