jumbled in a sentence

Meaning: 1) mixed in a confused or disordered manner 2) confused or tangled, as in thoughts or ideas 3) disarranged or scrambled, lacking order 4) incoherent or unclear, as in speech or writing 5) perturbed or disturbed, causing a state of confusion Similar words: chaotic, confused, disarranged, disordered, disorderly, haphazard, messy, muddled, randomized, scrambled, shuffled, tangled, unorganized, untidy,

  • They collectively endeavored to disentangle the jumbled web of corporate governance issues.
  • In a jumbled meeting agenda, he identified key topics and proposed a more structured approach.
  • She suggested a team-building exercise to address the jumbled dynamics among coworkers.
  • We were in a hurry, and our luggage got jumbled in the car.
  • The instructions for assembling the furniture were a bit jumbled; we had to backtrack.
  • I asked him to read the passage, but the words seemed jumbled to him.
  • In order to solve the jumbled equation, he carefully rearranged the variables to find the solution.
  • I accidentally jumbled up the order of the steps in the recipe.
  • We navigated through the jumbled traffic, trying to reach our destination on time.
  • The puzzle pieces were all jumbled up on the table.
  • Sorting through a jumbled inbox is more efficient when you create folders for different types of emails.
  • I jumbled the letters while typing my email, and now it looks strange.
  • The directions were so jumbled that I got lost in the city.
  • The jumbled mess of cables behind the computer desk needed sorting.
  • The team brainstormed ideas, but they became jumbled without a clear plan.
  • We encountered a jumbled road map during our trip, forcing us to stop and ask for directions.
  • They tried to fix the broken vase, but the pieces got jumbled.
  • After the toddler played with the blocks, they were all jumbled on the floor.
  • They found themselves in a jumbled conversation, with each person talking over the other.
  • The student's answers on the test were jumbled, making it hard to grade.
  • When working with jumbled data, employ sorting functions in spreadsheets to arrange information systematically.
  • When presenting the project, she avoided a jumbled delivery by organizing her thoughts beforehand.
  • Despite the jumbled plot, the novel had a surprising and satisfying ending.
  • My notes are all jumbled, and I can't find the important information.
  • The traffic signs at the intersection are jumbled; it's confusing.
  • Addressing a jumbled closet is easier when you categorize clothing items by type and color.
  • I feel jumbled in my thoughts when too many things are happening at once.
  • Tackling a jumbled set of tasks becomes more manageable when you create a prioritized to-do list.
  • Implicit in her analysis of the jumbled financial data was a keen awareness of market fluctuations.
  • He orchestrated a seamless transition within the jumbled organizational structure, optimizing efficiency.
  • The books on the shelf got jumbled after the earthquake.
  • The traffic signals were jumbled, causing confusion on the busy intersection.
  • As the debate heated up, his arguments became jumbled and unclear.
  • The scientist found the data jumbled, requiring careful analysis.
  • It's hard for them to understand when the instructions are jumbled.
  • The crossword puzzle proved difficult with its jumbled clues.
  • In our pursuit of innovation, we grappled with the jumbled intricacies of cutting-edge technologies.
  • My thoughts are all jumbled before my morning coffee.
  • The recipe instructions were jumbled, leading to a confusing cooking process.
  • The to-do list in my planner is jumbled; I need to rewrite it.
  • She organized the papers, but they got jumbled when the wind blew.
  • The grocery store shelves were jumbled with products after the rush.
  • The letters in the alphabet soup looked jumbled to the child.
  • He got confused, and his words came out all jumbled during the speech.
  • The detective sifted through the jumbled evidence to solve the case.
  • Navigating the complexities of the jumbled geopolitical landscape requires a nuanced understanding of global dynamics.
  • The music playlist got jumbled, so the songs played in random order.
  • In his nuanced critique, he dissected the jumbled narrative, revealing hidden layers of meaning.
  • After the move, our belongings were jumbled in boxes, making unpacking a challenge.
  • She opened her bag, and all her makeup items were jumbled together.
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