incomprehensible in a sentence

Meaning: 1) difficult or impossible to understand 2) not able to be grasped or perceived 3) beyond one's comprehension or ability to comprehend Similar words: abstruse, baffling, confusing, cryptic, enigmatic, illegible, inscrutable, mystifying, obscure, perplexing, puzzling, unclear, unfathomable, uninterpretable,

  • Witnessing a heated legal argument, the lawyers exchanged complex arguments, rendering the courtroom dialogue incomprehensible for non-legal professionals.
  • They participated in a team-building exercise, but the instructions given by the facilitator seemed incomprehensible.
  • Discussing the new project at work, the manager presented a detailed plan that was slightly incomprehensible to some team members.
  • Analyzing a scientific research paper, the use of specialized terminology made certain sections incomprehensible for those without a background in the field.
  • They watched the foreign film, but without subtitles, it was incomprehensible.
  • The hiking trail signs were clear, but a sudden fog made the directions temporarily incomprehensible.
  • After the mysterious package arrived, the instructions seemed incomprehensible, but curiosity drove him to decipher them.
  • She wrote the note, but her messy handwriting made it incomprehensible.
  • Attending the cooking class, the chef's culinary techniques appeared complex and somewhat incomprehensible to the novice cooks.
  • I received a coded message, but the symbols were incomprehensible to me.
  • Assembling the furniture from the flat-pack kit proved to be a challenge, and the instructions seemed incomprehensible at times.
  • We stumbled upon a hidden cave, but the inscriptions on the walls were incomprehensible.
  • He delivered a lecture where he explored cutting-edge theories, occasionally making the content incomprehensible for those unfamiliar with the field.
  • He opened the mysterious box, but its contents were incomprehensible.
  • We torsanalyzed the intricate financial report, identifying nuances that might appear incomprehensible to novices.
  • I attended the seminar, where the speaker's accent made some technical terms incomprehensible.
  • He embarked on a coding project, but the complex algorithms initially proved incomprehensible.
  • Joining a dance class, the choreography initially seemed incomprehensible, but with practice, it gradually made sense.
  • They tried to follow the recipe, but the instructions were incomprehensible.
  • They found an ancient treasure map, but the markings were incomprehensible.
  • We entered the enchanted forest, where the sounds became incomprehensible whispers.
  • While exploring the old bookstore, she stumbled upon a dusty journal with pages filled with incomprehensible sketches.
  • Navigating through the new software, the user interface changes made certain features incomprehensible for longtime users.
  • As the detective examined the cryptic note, the handwriting appeared deliberately incomprehensible, adding to the mystery.
  • Despite his advanced degree, the professor found the research paper's methodology incomprehensible.
  • The political debate became heated, and the candidate's response seemed intentionally incomprehensible.
  • Trying to troubleshoot the computer glitch, the IT specialist encountered an error message that was initially incomprehensible.
  • The team discussed the project, but the manager's explanation was incomprehensible.
  • The escape room challenge featured a riddle that proved slightly incomprehensible until a clever solution emerged.
  • She deciphered the ancient manuscript, revealing its once incomprehensible text.
  • Navigating the intricacies of diplomatic negotiations, the envoy's language was deliberately nuanced, making the discussions incomprehensible to outsiders.
  • Attending an avant-garde art exhibition, the abstract installations left some viewers perplexed, finding the artist's intent incomprehensible.
  • When the professor explained the math problem, it still seemed incomprehensible to me.
  • We visited the historical site, where the guide's explanations were occasionally incomprehensible due to background noise.
  • The scientific conference delved into complex theories, making some presentations incomprehensible for the attendees.
  • The comedian delivered rapid-fire jokes, leaving the audience in stitches, even if some punchlines were incomprehensible at first.
  • We explored an alien planet, where the creatures' communication was incomprehensible.
  • He tackled a challenging puzzle, where the intricate clues made the solution initially incomprehensible.
  • During the debate, the politician's convoluted response left the audience with an incomprehensible understanding of their stance.
  • I reveled in the intricate narrative, appreciating layers that could be deemed incomprehensible by a casual reader.
  • The young inventor showcased a groundbreaking gadget, but its functionality remained incomprehensible to most onlookers.
  • The technical support representative's accent made their instructions incomprehensible over the phone.
  • I borrowed a friend's camera, but the advanced settings were incomprehensible, requiring a tutorial.
  • As an intermediate chess player, the grandmaster's strategy remained somewhat incomprehensible to me.
  • In the foreign film, the plot twists made the storyline momentarily incomprehensible, adding to the suspense.
  • Engaging in a philosophical debate, the scholars delved into abstract concepts, rendering the conversation somewhat incomprehensible for those unfamiliar with the field.
  • They engaged in a nuanced discussion, employing subtle diplomacy that might be incomprehensible to casual observers.
  • They attended a live performance, but the actor's monologue appeared incomprehensible without prior knowledge of the play.
  • Attending a photography workshop, the instructor explained advanced camera settings that were initially incomprehensible to the participants.
  • We explored the art gallery, where the abstract paintings left us feeling intrigued but somewhat incomprehensible.
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