illegible in a sentence

Meaning: 1) difficult to read or decipher due to poor handwriting, print, or type 2) not clear or legible in its representation, making it challenging to understand or interpret Similar words: confusing, cryptic, garbled, incomprehensible, indecipherable, jumbled, muddled, obscure, unclear, undecipherable, unfathomable, unintelligible, unreadable,

  • We received a formal invitation, but the cursive font used made some details illegible.
  • The intricately designed font on the invitation, while visually appealing, proved somewhat illegible to those unfamiliar with calligraphy.
  • I found a note, but it was completely illegible.
  • While organizing old documents, I found a letter with portions that were illegible due to smudging.
  • They received a letter, but the address was illegible.
  • In the realm of data analysis, the raw data set contained outliers and illegible outliers, requiring meticulous scrutiny.
  • As I was filling out the application form, I realized that the fine print was illegible without my reading glasses.
  • She took notes during the seminar, but unfortunately, they turned out illegible.
  • The technologically advanced document scanner was able to enhance the resolution of the somewhat illegible text, preserving the content for future generations.
  • During the meeting, someone presented a graph, but the labels were illegible from a distance.
  • She wrote a message, but the ink smeared, making it illegible.
  • The label on the medicine bottle is illegible; I can't tell the dosage.
  • He wrote the instructions, but his handwriting was illegible.
  • I received a card, but some parts of the message are illegible.
  • They completed the survey, but some of their responses are illegible.
  • The encryption on the confidential document rendered certain portions illegible, ensuring sensitive information remained secure.
  • We discovered an old diary, but many entries were illegible.
  • They filled out the form, but some parts were illegible.
  • He signed the contract, but his signature looks illegible to me.
  • I scribbled a note, but it turned out completely illegible.
  • She took notes during the lecture, but they were illegible.
  • The researcher discovered a cache of historical letters, but the cursive writing style rendered some passages illegible without careful interpretation.
  • During the restoration of the antique book, the conservator faced the challenge of enhancing the legibility of illegible passages without compromising authenticity.
  • I asked for directions, but the person's gestures were illegible.
  • We received a package, but the sender's address was illegible.
  • My shopping list got wet, and now it's illegible.
  • They wrote a letter, but the handwriting is a bit illegible.
  • It was raining, and the ink on the paper became illegible.
  • I checked the weather forecast, but the small font made it illegible without my glasses.
  • As I perused the ancient manuscript, I marveled at the challenge of deciphering the somewhat illegible script.
  • They left a message, but the phone number is illegible.
  • Despite my efforts to preserve the fading text, the centuries-old inscription on the monument had become nearly illegible.
  • The price tag on this item is illegible; I can't see how much it costs.
  • The doctor's prescription was almost illegible, so I had to ask the pharmacist for clarification.
  • The manual's print was small and slightly illegible, so I used a magnifying glass to read it.
  • She filled out the application, but some parts are illegible due to a smudge.
  • I tried to decipher the handwritten recipe, but a few ingredients were illegible.
  • I wrote a quick reminder, but my handwriting was illegible.
  • The address on the package is illegible; I hope it reaches the right place.
  • The teacher wrote comments on my essay, but some of them were illegible, making it hard to understand the feedback.
  • The software engineer debugged the code, focusing on fixing the illegible portions that were causing errors in the program.
  • The street sign had faded over the years, making it somewhat illegible to drivers.
  • I tried to read the recipe, but the instructions were illegible.
  • We attended a lecture, but the speaker's slides were illegible from the back.
  • I asked for directions, but the person's handwriting on the map was illegible.
  • I jotted down a phone number, but it's illegible now.
  • I attempted to read the doctor's report, but some sections were illegible.
  • The artist intentionally incorporated illegible graffiti into the mural, sparking discussions about the nature of urban art.
  • As I was reading the novel, I encountered a page where the print became somewhat illegible.
  • We tried to read the menu, but some items were illegible.
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