indecipherable in a sentence

Meaning: 1) difficult or impossible to interpret or understand due to being unclear, ambiguous, or lacking distinct characteristics 2) incapable of being decoded or translated, especially in the context of written or symbolic language 3) not able to be deciphered or unraveled, often referring to intricate codes, symbols, or messages 4) lacking clarity or coherence, making comprehension challenging or unattainable Similar words: confusing, cryptic, enigmatic, illegible, inscrutable, obscure, uncomprehensible, undecipherable, unintelligible, unreadable,

  • Learning a few coding languages can help make seemingly indecipherable computer programs more accessible.
  • Tom opened the antique chest, revealing a letter with indecipherable handwriting.
  • During a game night, the friends found an ancient board game with indecipherable rules.
  • Alex attempted to read the foreign novel, but the idioms made it indecipherable without a dictionary.
  • Developing time management skills can make tackling a busy schedule less indecipherable.
  • The faded sign had indecipherable text, making it difficult to read.
  • The doctor handed me the test results, but the medical terms were indecipherable without clarification.
  • The detective uncovered a hidden note in the crime scene, its contents indecipherable at first glance.
  • They collaborated on the intricate project, employing advanced algorithms to make the data less indecipherable.
  • The financial report contained indecipherable charts and graphs, demanding analytical skills to make sense of it.
  • The scientist presented a complex theory, leaving the audience in an indecipherable state of confusion.
  • My friend's handwriting is so messy; sometimes it's nearly indecipherable.
  • Navigating through intricate philosophical texts often proves less indecipherable with a solid foundation in existentialist thought.
  • When I received the text message, some of the words were indecipherable due to autocorrect.
  • Exploring map legends can make interpreting maps less indecipherable.
  • In the spooky mansion, an old journal contained indecipherable entries, adding an air of mystery to the place.
  • The negotiations hit a snag when the terms of the contract became indecipherable to both parties.
  • The handwritten recipe was indecipherable, so I guessed the ingredients.
  • Delving into the intricacies of quantum physics may render seemingly indecipherable phenomena more comprehensible.
  • Practicing active listening can make understanding diverse accents less indecipherable.
  • We delved into the intricate details of the legal document, rendering its complexities less indecipherable.
  • The alien's message was written in an indecipherable language, leaving the scientists perplexed.
  • The software manual was filled with indecipherable jargon, making it hard for me to troubleshoot.
  • The advanced mathematical formula seemed indecipherable to most, requiring a specialized understanding of calculus.
  • Trying to follow the professor's lecture on quantum physics felt like deciphering an indecipherable language.
  • The doctor's explanation was filled with medical jargon, making it indecipherable for me.
  • The crossword puzzle had a few indecipherable clues that stumped me.
  • In the old bookstore, Lily found a dusty journal with indecipherable doodles in the margins.
  • Emily tried to follow the recipe, but the chef's shorthand made some steps indecipherable.
  • Sarah found an old diary in the attic, but the faded entries were indecipherable, leaving her intrigued.
  • The doctor's handwriting in the prescription was indecipherable.
  • Jane received a cryptic message from her friend, and its meaning remained indecipherable to her.
  • He received a mysterious package, and the writing on the note inside was indecipherable.
  • On the deserted island, a weathered message in a bottle was indecipherable, leaving its origins unknown.
  • A treasure map was discovered, but its clues were indecipherable, leading the seekers on a puzzling quest.
  • Familiarizing yourself with the fundamentals of nutrition can make deciphering food labels less indecipherable.
  • In the mysterious cave, ancient runes covered the walls, but they were indecipherable to the curious explorer.
  • We stumbled upon an ancient map, but the faded markings were indecipherable.
  • Lost in the magical forest, Tom stumbled upon a map, but its symbols were indecipherable, adding to his adventure.
  • The street artist's mural was fascinating, but its symbolism was indecipherable to most passersby.
  • The ancient manuscript contained indecipherable symbols and characters.
  • Interpreting the subtle nuances of abstract art may become less indecipherable through an understanding of artistic movements.
  • Despite his efforts, the detective found the encrypted message indecipherable without the proper code.
  • He approached the enigmatic manuscript with scholarly rigor, making the ancient text less indecipherable.
  • It started raining, and the ink on the letter turned indecipherable.
  • When I received the email from my colleague, some parts were indecipherable due to technical glitches.
  • During the treasure hunt, the group discovered a cryptic riddle, seemingly indecipherable.
  • The handwriting on the old letter was indecipherable.
  • The art critic struggled to interpret the artist's abstract painting, finding it somewhat indecipherable.
  • Utilizing grammar rules can make writing in a foreign language less indecipherable.
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