undecipherable in a sentence

Meaning: 1) difficult to interpret or understand, especially due to complexity or obscurity 2) not able to be decoded or translated, often referring to symbols, writing, or languages 3) lacking clarity or coherence, making it challenging to discern the meaning or significance 4) resistant to being solved or resolved, as in a puzzle or problem Similar words: ambiguous, confusing, cryptic, enigmatic, illegible, incomprehensible, inscrutable, obscure, puzzling, unfathomable, uninterpretable, unreadable,

  • The encrypted message was undecipherable without the proper code.
  • The professor's handwriting on the whiteboard was undecipherable to some students.
  • The assembly instructions for the furniture were undecipherable, and I ended up putting it together all wrong.
  • They grappled with undecipherable cosmic phenomena, pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the universe.
  • As a linguistics expert, she effortlessly deciphered undecipherable scripts from ancient civilizations.
  • The professor's lecture on quantum physics was undecipherable for those without a strong scientific background.
  • As James explored the ancient ruins, he discovered a tablet with undecipherable inscriptions.
  • She effortlessly decoded undecipherable scripts from diverse cultures, revealing linguistic connections.
  • The treasure map led the group to a cave, but the markings inside were undecipherable.
  • The worn-out map had undecipherable markings, causing travelers to get lost.
  • He drew a diagram, but his doodles made it undecipherable for anyone else.
  • Jenny bought an antique book, but some passages were undecipherable due to age.
  • My friend's text was undecipherable because of all the autocorrect mistakes.
  • The foreign language menu was undecipherable until I brushed up on my language skills.
  • The street sign was so worn that the directions became undecipherable.
  • The map we used on our road trip was undecipherable, leading us to take a wrong turn.
  • The legal document contained undecipherable jargon, requiring the assistance of a lawyer.
  • The software engineer debugged a complex program, unraveling undecipherable lines of code.
  • They left a note, but the coffee spill made the words undecipherable.
  • The handwriting in the antique diary was undecipherable, making it a challenge to learn about the past.
  • He stumbled upon an old book, its undecipherable language sparking his curiosity.
  • Mark found an old letter in the attic, but the faded ink made parts undecipherable.
  • She found an old notebook, its undecipherable scribbles hinting at forgotten memories.
  • We attended a seminar where the speaker presented undecipherable charts and graphs.
  • The scientist encountered undecipherable data in the experiment, prompting further analysis.
  • The handwritten manuscript proved undecipherable due to the author's unique shorthand.
  • I received a letter, but some parts were undecipherable, making it hard to grasp the entire message.
  • Emma stumbled upon an old diary, but some entries were undecipherable, adding an air of mystery.
  • His handwriting was undecipherable, making it difficult to read the note.
  • The spaceship's control panel displayed undecipherable alien symbols, leaving the crew puzzled.
  • The team collaborated on the project, decoding undecipherable codes to solve the mystery.
  • She tried to explain, but her excitement made her words undecipherable.
  • I received a letter from an unknown sender, filled with undecipherable symbols.
  • The mysterious code seemed undecipherable to the detective.
  • The intricate design on the ancient artifact was undecipherable without knowledge of the culture's symbols.
  • Maria received a coded letter from her pen pal, making it undecipherable without a cipher key.
  • We found an old map, but the faded markings were undecipherable.
  • In the philosophical discourse, the author presented undecipherable concepts that challenged traditional viewpoints.
  • Alex uncovered a hidden journal, but some pages were undecipherable, adding intrigue to the family's history.
  • I found an old letter from my grandma, but some parts were undecipherable due to fading ink.
  • We watched a documentary about ancient civilizations, exploring their undecipherable languages.
  • The ancient symbols on the wall were undecipherable.
  • They gathered around the table, trying to make sense of the undecipherable treasure map.
  • He, an erudite scholar, scrutinized the undecipherable hieroglyphics, unraveling the historical narrative embedded in the ancient artifacts.
  • The detective found undecipherable clues that hinted at a complex criminal network.
  • I asked for directions, but the stranger's accent made the street names undecipherable.
  • They entered the abandoned mansion, discovering undecipherable symbols on the walls.
  • The doctor's handwriting on the prescription was undecipherable, so I asked the nurse for clarification.
  • The old treasure map had undecipherable clues, adding to the excitement of the hunt.
  • The mysterious message in the bottle was undecipherable, leaving the beachgoers intrigued.
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