unintelligible in a sentence

Meaning: 1) difficult to understand due to unclear or muddled speech or writing 2) not able to be comprehended or interpreted clearly 3) lacking clarity in expression or meaning, making it confusing or obscure Similar words: abstruse, baffling, cryptic, enigmatic, esoteric, incomprehensible, indecipherable, inscrutable, muddled, unclear,

  • It was her first day at the new school, and the teacher's instructions seemed unintelligible.
  • I attended the seminar, and the speaker's rapid pace of speech rendered some points unintelligible.
  • He attempted to clarify the complex concept, but his explanation remained unintelligible to most of the team.
  • We embarked on a philosophical exploration, delving into existential questions that, at times, left us in a realm of intellectual abstraction, making our discussions fascinating yet potentially unintelligible to those not philosophically inclined.
  • During the diplomatic negotiation, the diplomats employed sophisticated language, making the proceedings unintelligible to those unfamiliar with international relations.
  • During the heated debate, conflicting arguments made the discussion unintelligible to the casual observer.
  • The novel's intricate plot made it unintelligible for those who hadn't read the previous books in the series.
  • He presented the proposal, but the industry-specific terms made it unintelligible to those outside the field.
  • The hastily written letter was filled with unintelligible scribbles.
  • While reading the avant-garde novel, the author's deliberate use of ambiguity made certain passages intentionally unintelligible, inviting readers to interpret the narrative in diverse ways.
  • During the meeting, the manager discussed the budget in a way that was unintelligible to most of us without financial background.
  • As they explored the ancient ruins, the inscriptions on the walls appeared unintelligible.
  • In the enchanted castle, the talking animals spoke in a language that was initially unintelligible to the curious visitor.
  • In the art gallery, the abstract painting's complexity made it both visually captivating and intellectually unintelligible for some viewers.
  • We listened to the podcast, but the host's casual use of slang sometimes made the content unintelligible.
  • The experimental results were presented in a graph, making the data unintelligible without proper explanation.
  • The legal document was filled with complex legalese, making it unintelligible to the layperson.
  • The street signs in the unfamiliar city were unintelligible, making it challenging to navigate without a map.
  • In the haunted house, the ghost's whispers were unintelligible but sent shivers down everyone's spine.
  • The technical jargon used in the manual was unintelligible to the average user.
  • He presented the scientific findings, but the complex terminology made it unintelligible for the audience.
  • The pirate's map had unintelligible markings, leading the adventurous kids on a quest for buried treasure.
  • In the dark cave, the echoes made their voices unintelligible.
  • In the fairy tale, the magical spell was written in an ancient script, making it unintelligible to the ordinary villagers.
  • They convened in a scientific symposium, engaging in a discourse that transcended the boundaries of conventional understanding, leaving the less-specialized audience with an experience that was both awe-inspiring and unintelligible.
  • The street performer spoke in a playful but unintelligible language, creating a sense of mystery for the audience.
  • We watched a foreign movie with subtitles, but some of the jokes remained unintelligible due to cultural differences.
  • In the quiet library, she found the old book's language to be unintelligible.
  • Reading the terms and conditions of the online service felt unintelligible, but I clicked "agree" anyway.
  • The secret code in the treasure map appeared unintelligible until the clever kids deciphered its hidden message.
  • She tried to call for help, but the weak signal rendered her cries unintelligible.
  • The old radio broadcast became unintelligible as the signal weakened.
  • The muffled audio made the announcement unintelligible over the loudspeaker.
  • The phone call was unintelligible due to poor reception.
  • As the detective examined the cryptic note, some parts were unintelligible, adding to the mystery.
  • She enthusiastically shared her experience, but the technical details made it unintelligible for those unfamiliar with the field.
  • The baby's babbling was unintelligible to everyone in the room.
  • As we delved into the philosophical discourse, the author's nuanced arguments were captivating yet potentially unintelligible to those without a background in ethics.
  • I tried following the recipe, but the cooking instructions were unintelligible, and I ended up with a burnt dish.
  • The politician's convoluted speech left the audience bewildered and the message unintelligible.
  • The new software update has so many features that it seems a bit unintelligible at first, but you'll get used to it.
  • The professor's thick accent made some parts of the lecture unintelligible.
  • My friend explained the rules of the board game, but they seemed unintelligible until we started playing.
  • She discussed the novel with passion, but the intricate plot twists made it somewhat unintelligible for me.
  • He tried to explain the complex concept, but his explanation was unintelligible to most.
  • At the wizard's workshop, the novice found the ancient spellbook's incantations mostly unintelligible.
  • Discussing the intricacies of the economic policy became a challenge at the dinner table, as the differing opinions rendered the conversation unintelligible to some.
  • As the sun set, the forest became a mysterious and unintelligible place for the little explorer.
  • Trying to assemble the furniture without the proper instructions made the process unintelligible and frustrating.
  • Lost in the bustling market, the tourist found the local dialect unintelligible but smiled at the friendly faces.
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