garbled in a sentence

Meaning: 1) jumbled or mixed up, especially in a confusing or distorted manner 2) distorted or unclear, as in communication or information 3) scrambled or unintelligible, often due to errors or interference 4) muddled or confused, lacking clarity or coherence Similar words: chaotic, confounded, confused, disordered, illegible, incoherent, jumbled, muddled,

  • They realized the importance of clear communication to avoid garbled instructions.
  • Update your software regularly to avoid garbled text and graphics on your computer screen.
  • We encountered a garbled translation while communicating with people from different countries.
  • To prevent a garbled printout, make sure your printer has enough ink and paper.
  • In the bustling market, the vendor's prices became garbled, causing a bit of confusion.
  • I sympathized with her frustration as she struggled with the garbled phone conversation.
  • We grappled with the garbled complexities of the economic policy proposal.
  • When discussing the project, the team's ideas became garbled, and we needed clarification.
  • The message was garbled and hard to understand.
  • Intermediate writers often struggle with complex sentence structures, resulting in garbled prose.
  • Navigating complex technical manuals may result in garbled comprehension for those at an intermediate level.
  • The researcher encountered garbled data in the experiment, requiring meticulous analysis for clarity.
  • The podcast episode was garbled, and I couldn't grasp the main points.
  • An intermediate speaker might find the nuances of regional accents can lead to garbled communication.
  • The negotiation hit a snag when the terms became garbled during the cross-cultural exchange.
  • Despite my efforts, the foreign recipe instructions still seemed a bit garbled.
  • The comedian's punchline got a bit garbled, but the audience still erupted in laughter.
  • The public speaker's microphone was garbled, and the audience struggled to hear the speech.
  • As we translated the document, a few phrases ended up garbled, affecting the overall meaning.
  • The instructions on the package were garbled, and I couldn't follow them.
  • Lost in the enchanted forest, the fairy's directions became garbled, making the journey more adventurous.
  • His explanation was garbled, and I couldn't make sense of it.
  • As an intermediate learner, understanding idioms can be challenging, leading to garbled interpretations.
  • Garbled signals on your phone can be caused by poor reception or network issues.
  • In the diplomatic negotiation, the subtle changes in tone led to a garbled understanding of the agreement.
  • As an intermediate learner, mastering grammar rules is essential to avoid garbled expressions in writing.
  • They dissected the garbled data to extract meaningful insights.
  • He apologized for the garbled announcement and promised to clarify the information.
  • When he retold the story, some details got garbled, but we got the gist of it.
  • Clear communication is crucial; otherwise, messages may become garbled in translation.
  • Practice active listening to avoid garbled interpretations and foster clear communication.
  • We tried to decipher the garbled message together, but it remained unclear.
  • Adjust your camera settings to prevent garbled images and ensure clear video calls.
  • The radio station was garbled, and I couldn't enjoy the music properly.
  • The political speech was filled with garbled rhetoric, challenging even the more proficient listeners.
  • She noticed the garbled text in the document and decided to proofread it again.
  • Employ punctuation correctly in your writing to prevent garbled meaning and enhance clarity.
  • In retrospect, I realized my assumptions had garbled the true essence of the historical event.
  • My friend's message got garbled in the group chat, and we couldn't figure out the plan.
  • Reviewing your speech beforehand can help prevent a garbled presentation to the audience.
  • The weather report on the radio was garbled, and I couldn't tell if it would rain or not.
  • The announcement on the train was garbled, and I missed my stop.
  • He spoke quickly, causing his words to become garbled and hard to follow.
  • The detective deciphered the garbled code, unraveling the mystery surrounding the stolen artifact.
  • When writing emails, organize your thoughts logically to prevent messages from becoming garbled.
  • The secret code in the treasure hunt got garbled, turning the quest into a puzzle-solving challenge.
  • The time-traveling adventure turned chaotic when the coordinates got garbled.
  • The scientific journal article, while informative, had sections that appeared garbled due to complex terminology.
  • The subtitles on the movie were garbled, and I couldn't understand the dialogue.
  • The magical potion recipe was garbled, resulting in unexpected and amusing consequences.
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