vague in a sentence

Meaning: 1) indistinct or unclear in character or meaning, lacking definite shape or form 2) not clearly expressed, stated, or understood 3) not clearly defined, determined, or identified 4) lacking precision or exactness, characterized by a lack of detail or specificity Similar words: ambiguous, ambivalent, fuzzy, hazy, indeterminate, inexact, nebulous, obscure, uncertain, unclear,

  • We need to clarify the vague terms of the contract before signing it.
  • I have a vague idea of how to fix the problem, but I'm not entirely sure.
  • I have a vague idea of what she's talking about.
  • He, a seasoned detective, sifted through the vague testimonies, piecing together fragments of truth to crack the case.
  • She gave me a vague promise to help, but I'm not sure if she'll follow through.
  • He gave me a vague impression that he might be interested in joining the project.
  • I have a vague memory of visiting that place when I was a child.
  • The teacher's explanation was vague, leaving the students confused.
  • I have a vague recollection of meeting him before, but I can't remember where.
  • We had a vague sense that something wasn't right, but we couldn't pinpoint what it was.
  • He tried to give a vague excuse for being late, but we all knew he just overslept.
  • Can you clarify your vague statement? I'm not sure what you mean.
  • I have a vague feeling that I forgot to do something important today.
  • The outline of the mountain was vague in the mist.
  • The forecast for tomorrow is a bit vague; it could rain, or it might stay sunny.
  • We found ourselves grappling with the intricacies of quantum mechanics, as its principles remained vague despite our best efforts.
  • She looked at the map with a vague expression, unsure of where to go.
  • They were perplexed by her vague response to their question.
  • Her feelings towards him were vague and undefined.
  • She struggled to articulate her thoughts, resulting in a vague and convoluted explanation.
  • I'm feeling kind of vague about what to cook for dinner tonight.
  • They were frustrated by the vague instructions for assembling the furniture.
  • She spoke in a vague manner, not wanting to commit to anything.
  • They, the architects, faced the daunting task of transforming vague concepts into concrete blueprints that would shape the skyline.
  • I, a writer, grappled with the challenge of conveying complex emotions through vague metaphors, seeking clarity in the midst of ambiguity.
  • They need to be more specific; their directions are too vague for me to follow.
  • My memories of that vacation are pretty vague; it was a long time ago.
  • The timeline for the project was vague and uncertain.
  • She, a scholar of ancient texts, delved into the cryptic verses, extracting meaning from the seemingly vague symbols.
  • She felt a vague sense of dissatisfaction with her current job.
  • Sorry, I can't meet you at that vague time. Can we be more specific?
  • We, the jury, deliberated over the evidence, dissecting the vague alibis and circumstantial clues presented in court.
  • They were disappointed by the vague details provided in the report.
  • The directions to the party were so vague, I got lost twice!
  • He gave a vague answer when asked about his plans.
  • We found ourselves in a state of confusion due to the vague directions given by the tour guide.
  • We tried to follow the vague instructions, but we got lost.
  • They gave me a vague deadline for completing the project.
  • His speech was so vague; I couldn't tell what point he was trying to make.
  • She had a vague memory of the party last night.
  • The instructions were vague and hard to understand.
  • Despite her attempts at obfuscation, her vague responses only fueled our suspicion of her motives.
  • The details in the report were vague and unclear.
  • She tried to hide her confusion behind a vague smile.
  • The company's future plans remain vague, causing uncertainty among employees.
  • She felt a vague sense of nostalgia when she visited her childhood home.
  • She navigated the complexities of interpersonal dynamics with finesse, skillfully deciphering the nuances hidden within seemingly vague interactions.
  • She has a vague idea of what she wants to do after graduation, but nothing concrete yet.
  • We were left with a vague understanding of the situation after the meeting.
  • The politician's promises were vague and lacked concrete plans for implementation.
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