open-ended in a sentence

Meaning: 1) not having fixed limits; unrestricted 2) allowing for various possible outcomes or interpretations 3) not fully resolved or finalized, leaving room for further development or discussion Similar words: boundless, extensive, flexible, indeterminate, infinite, unbounded, uncapped, unconstrained, undetermined, unfixed, unlimited, unrestricted, wide-ranging,

  • She left the conversation open-ended.
  • She presented an open-ended proposal for the new project.
  • We embraced the open-ended challenge of planning our group project.
  • She appreciates open-ended feedback on her artwork to improve.
  • My therapist encourages open-ended discussions during our sessions.
  • She values open-ended communication in her relationships.
  • He enjoys exploring open-ended video games where you can create your own story.
  • I find open-ended questions in interviews more challenging but rewarding.
  • They decided to have an open-ended debate about the topic.
  • He suggested an open-ended brainstorming session to generate ideas.
  • The instructions for the project were open-ended.
  • He enjoys watching movies with open-ended endings.
  • I revel in the ambiguity of open-ended narratives, finding liberation in their interpretive possibilities.
  • The restaurant menu offers open-ended choices for customization.
  • They prefer open-ended activities where they can explore freely.
  • The movie's ending was open-ended.
  • She enjoys engaging in open-ended debates with her colleagues.
  • He meticulously constructed an open-ended framework for analyzing complex geopolitical dynamics.
  • He prefers open-ended discussions where everyone can contribute.
  • We're planning an open-ended road trip with no fixed destination.
  • I appreciate the open-ended structure of this course; it allows for creativity.
  • I prefer open-ended discussions over closed ones.
  • She deftly crafted an open-ended argument that challenged conventional wisdom.
  • He struggled with the open-ended nature of the project, seeking clarity.
  • We're planning an open-ended exploration of the city during our vacation.
  • I find open-ended discussions more stimulating than closed ones.
  • I enjoy reading books with open-ended plots.
  • I'm not sure how to respond to his open-ended question.
  • I intricately wove together various perspectives to construct an open-ended narrative that transcended traditional storytelling boundaries.
  • They decided to take an open-ended approach to decorating their new apartment.
  • They proposed an open-ended solution to address the company's inefficiencies.
  • He relishes the challenge of open-ended projects, viewing them as opportunities for innovation and self-discovery.
  • They delved into the intricacies of global economics during an open-ended seminar.
  • She finds open-ended tasks overwhelming and prefers clear instructions.
  • They embarked on an open-ended exploration of quantum mechanics, probing the frontiers of scientific understanding.
  • We had an open-ended conversation about our career goals over coffee.
  • They scheduled an open-ended meeting to discuss the project's progress.
  • The problem has an open-ended solution.
  • They debated the open-ended question of whether life exists beyond Earth.
  • I don't like open-ended assignments because they confuse me.
  • She left the invitation open-ended, so I'm not sure if she's coming or not.
  • I prefer open-ended tasks at work because they allow for creativity.
  • I encountered an open-ended problem during the programming assignment.
  • She initiated an open-ended discussion about climate change in our class.
  • The story had an open-ended conclusion.
  • I appreciate when teachers give us open-ended essay topics.
  • I find open-ended tasks more challenging but also more rewarding.
  • We're keeping the invitation list open-ended, so feel free to invite an indefinite number of guests.
  • He struggled with the open-ended nature of the assignment, unsure where to begin.
  • He always leaves his emails open-ended, which annoys me.
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