unspecified in a sentence

Meaning: 1) not stated or described clearly or exactly 2) not identified or specified in detail 3) not determined or assigned to a particular thing or category 4) lacking precise details or information Similar words: indeterminate, uncertain, undefined, undetermined, vague,

  • We need to prepare for the unspecified weather forecast.
  • I immersed myself in the realm of abstract art, where the interplay of colors and shapes evoked a myriad of unspecified emotions that transcended language.
  • Did you hear about the unspecified changes to the schedule?
  • He grappled with the existential crisis of unspecified purpose, questioning the meaning behind his actions and the trajectory of his life.
  • He's been feeling overwhelmed by unspecified responsibilities at work.
  • I've been contemplating the significance of unspecified dreams I've been having.
  • I'm experiencing some unspecified discomfort in my stomach after eating.
  • The contract contains several unspecified clauses that need clarification.
  • I found solace in the pages of literature, where the authors' mastery of language illuminated the nuances of unspecified feelings that resonated deeply within my being.
  • We're supposed to meet at an unspecified location.
  • She's been giving me unspecified instructions on how to complete the task.
  • Despite his efforts to maintain a structured routine, he found himself grappling with the burden of unspecified anxieties that seemed to pervade every aspect of his life.
  • I found an unspecified note on the kitchen counter.
  • She's been receiving unspecified messages from an unknown sender.
  • She's been giving me unspecified excuses for why she can't hang out.
  • They're offering a discount on unspecified items at the store.
  • The teacher asked us to bring an unspecified item for show and tell.
  • The doctor said I have an unspecified allergy.
  • She delved into the intricacies of quantum mechanics, grappling with the enigma of unspecified phenomena that defy classical explanation.
  • We're supposed to bring an unspecified dish to the potluck.
  • We're planning to have a picnic, but the location is still unspecified.
  • I'm waiting for an unspecified package to arrive in the mail.
  • They navigated the complexities of interpersonal relationships, where communication often faltered due to the ambiguity of unspecified emotions and unspoken expectations.
  • I heard some unspecified rumors about layoffs at work.
  • We are facing unspecified challenges in implementing the new project.
  • I have an unspecified feeling that something isn't quite right.
  • They discussed the implications of the unspecified changes in the policy.
  • She's been receiving unspecified feedback on her performance.
  • We've been enjoying exploring unspecified cuisines at different restaurants.
  • I have an unspecified amount of candy in my pocket.
  • We need to allocate resources to address the unspecified issues raised in the report.
  • He said he would be here at an unspecified time.
  • I'm feeling a sense of unspecified anticipation about the upcoming event.
  • He left an unspecified time ago.
  • She bought an unspecified gift for her friend's birthday.
  • We embarked on a philosophical inquiry, contemplating the nature of reality and the implications of unspecified truths that elude conventional understanding.
  • She embarked on a journey of self-discovery, delving into the depths of her psyche to unravel the enigma of unspecified desires that lay dormant within her soul.
  • He received an unspecified amount of money as compensation for the accident.
  • The box contains unspecified objects.
  • I'm uncertain about the unspecified requirements for the job.
  • They convened a summit to address the geopolitical ramifications of unspecified conflicts, seeking diplomatic solutions to mitigate the escalating tensions.
  • The instructions were left unspecified.
  • We need to meet at an unspecified location.
  • There was an unspecified noise coming from the basement.
  • He was diagnosed with an unspecified illness and is undergoing further tests.
  • I'm considering buying a new phone, but I'm still undecided about the unspecified features I need.
  • She's been giving me unspecified advice on how to improve my cooking.
  • She has an unspecified illness.
  • She expressed frustration over the unspecified errors in the report.
  • He's been experiencing unspecified technical difficulties with his computer.
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