reiterate in a sentence

Meaning: 1) repeat, to say or do something again, typically for emphasis or clarity 2) state or do something again, typically to emphasize its importance or to ensure understanding 3) say or do something repeatedly or in a repetitive manner Similar words: echo, reaffirm, reassert, recap, recapitulate, reemphasize, renew, repeat, restate,

  • Despite the vehement opposition, she continued to reiterate her unconventional views on societal norms.
  • We need to reiterate the safety protocols to ensure everyone understands.
  • We need to reiterate our stance on environmental conservation to inspire others to take action.
  • I'll reiterate once more: don't forget to lock the door when you leave.
  • I'll reiterate my point: communication is key to resolving conflicts in relationships.
  • Let me reiterate, we're all in this together.
  • It's essential to reiterate the rules before starting the game.
  • I reiterate my love for you every day.
  • Let's reiterate the schedule one more time before we leave.
  • Can you reiterate the details of the dinner reservation? I want to make sure everything's set.
  • With each new challenge, they would reiterate their commitment to facing it together as a team.
  • I continually reiterate my dedication to personal growth and self-improvement, seeking out new challenges and opportunities for development.
  • He would frequently reiterate his disdain for superficial conversations, preferring instead to engage in deep, meaningful discourse.
  • I want to reiterate my gratitude for your help.
  • They found themselves in a perpetual cycle of having to reiterate their company's mission statement to ensure alignment with stakeholders' evolving expectations.
  • I want to reiterate my gratitude for your support during this difficult time.
  • I want to reiterate my thanks for your help with the project; I couldn't have done it without you.
  • Let's reiterate the plan for the weekend trip one more time.
  • Let's reiterate the main points of the contract negotiation before we proceed.
  • Please reiterate the recipe for the cake; I want to make sure I don't forget anything.
  • Could you reiterate the address? I'm not sure I wrote it down correctly.
  • I'll reiterate once more: don't forget to bring your umbrella; it's going to rain.
  • It's important to reiterate the company's values to all employees regularly.
  • He frequently found himself having to reiterate his stance on controversial issues, navigating heated debates with poise and conviction.
  • She often found herself having to reiterate her point in meetings to ensure everyone understood.
  • They decided to reiterate their invitation to the party next Saturday.
  • We must reiterate our gratitude to the volunteers who tirelessly dedicate their time to helping others.
  • I'm going to reiterate my suggestion for a team meeting to discuss the project.
  • He often found himself having to reiterate his instructions to his forgetful coworker.
  • Reiterate the message to ensure everyone understands.
  • Please reiterate the instructions so I can understand.
  • They should reiterate the benefits of recycling to encourage more people to participate.
  • They should reiterate the importance of teamwork in achieving their goals.
  • They must reiterate the importance of teamwork to the new employees.
  • We must reiterate the importance of safety in the workplace.
  • He needs to reiterate his request for a refund.
  • Can you reiterate what you said? I didn't catch it.
  • He should reiterate his apology to mend the relationship.
  • He would often reiterate his dream of traveling the world, imagining the sights he would see.
  • As the seasons changed, the teacher would reiterate the importance of adapting to new circumstances in life.
  • Let me reiterate, communication is vital for a successful team.
  • Let's reiterate the rules of the game before we start playing.
  • They can reiterate the benefits of the new policy to the staff.
  • We should reiterate our commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • We need to reiterate the importance of being respectful to others.
  • She will reiterate her support for the charity event.
  • I want to reiterate my apologies for being late.
  • We should reiterate the importance of honesty and integrity in our relationships.
  • I'll reiterate my point: communication is key in any relationship.
  • Let me reiterate, we're meeting at the park at noon.
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