restate in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to state or express again in a different way 2) to repeat or rephrase something previously said or written 3) to articulate or convey information anew Similar words: echo, paraphrase, recap, recapitulate, recast, rehash, reiterate, rewrite, summarize,

  • We listened carefully as she began to restate the key ideas from the lecture.
  • Can you break it down for me and restate it?
  • He should take a moment to restate his argument with more conviction to sway the audience.
  • Please restate your opinion so we can consider it in our decision-making process.
  • When someone doesn't understand, it's helpful to restate what you said.
  • It's important to restate the terms of the contract before signing.
  • I found it helpful to restate my thoughts during the presentation.
  • I will need to carefully restate my proposal to address the concerns raised by the board.
  • We decided to restate our proposal to address the concerns raised.
  • She always restate the main idea at the end of her speech.
  • I'm sorry, could you restate that? I got distracted.
  • I saw that he needed help to restate his thoughts.
  • I need to restate my argument more clearly.
  • She asked me to restate my argument in a clearer manner.
  • The teacher asked us to restate the key points of the lesson.
  • Could you restate that in simpler terms?
  • She always makes sure to restate her point to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Please restate your request, I didn't hear it clearly.
  • Can you restate the main idea of the story?
  • Can you restate what you said? I didn't understand.
  • Can you restate that so it's easier to understand?
  • You can restate facts, opinions, or instructions.
  • As we conclude the meeting, let's restate the action items for each team member.
  • We should restate the instructions for everyone.
  • He tried to restate his position, but it only confused the audience further.
  • Please restate the question in simpler words.
  • They often restate their arguments to make them stronger.
  • I need to restate my thesis statement in my essay conclusion.
  • They appreciated it when I took the time to restate their questions for clarity.
  • I'm not following, could you restate it?
  • When paraphrasing, one must restate the original idea without changing its meaning.
  • He tends to restate things in his own way.
  • In negotiations, it's common practice to restate your position to ensure clarity and alignment.
  • She couldn't hear well, so I had to restate it louder.
  • We must collectively restate our commitment to environmental sustainability in our corporate strategy.
  • It's important to restate the thesis in the conclusion.
  • Can you restate that sentence in Spanish?
  • I need to restate my point more clearly.
  • In group discussions, people often restate ideas to make sure everyone is heard.
  • He didn't understand, so I had to restate it.
  • They asked me to restate the information.
  • In academic writing, it's common to restate the thesis statement in the conclusion.
  • It's important to restate the rules before starting the game.
  • Can you restate that question? I didn't quite catch it.
  • The goal of the meeting was to restate the company's mission and values.
  • He hesitated, then decided to restate his opinion in a different way.
  • Teachers often encourage students to restate their answers for better understanding.
  • I don't understand, can you restate that?
  • Effective communicators know how to restate ideas to reach different audiences.
  • Let me restate what I said earlier to make sure you understand.
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