shabby in a sentence

Meaning: 1) looking old and worn out, often because of being used or not cared for properly 2) of poor quality or inferior condition, lacking in elegance or refinement 3) dressed in old or worn-out clothes, showing a lack of cleanliness or neatness 4) morally despicable or mean, contemptible or unworthy 5) inferior or inadequate in amount, size, or quality Similar words: dilapidated, frayed, ragged, rundown, scruffy, shoddy, tattered, tatty, threadbare, worn-out,

  • The artist's ability to find beauty in the shabby and mundane captivated audiences worldwide.
  • He looked around at the shabby furniture in disbelief.
  • Despite their shabby appearance, the street performers captivated the audience with their talent.
  • We decided to spruce up our shabby backyard with some new plants and decorations.
  • He was determined to fix up the shabby old cabin in the woods.
  • Despite the shabby facade of the corporate entity, its internal operations were meticulously organized and highly efficient.
  • Despite the shabby economy, the entrepreneurial spirit in the community remained resilient.
  • She felt a pang of guilt for neglecting her shabby old dog.
  • She navigated through the shabby bureaucracy with finesse, achieving results others deemed impossible.
  • We found a shabby little café to have lunch.
  • Despite the shabby conditions of the rental property, the tenants were unwilling to compromise on their standards.
  • The shabby building was renovated and transformed into a vibrant community center.
  • We found a shabby little café to grab a quick bite to eat.
  • She wielded her influence to advocate for the rights of the marginalized, regardless of the shabby treatment she faced from detractors.
  • The shabby treatment I received at the store made me never want to shop there again.
  • We stayed in a shabby motel while traveling; it wasn't the best experience.
  • She felt ashamed of her shabby apartment compared to her friends' homes.
  • The shabby state of the park was a reflection of the city's neglect of public spaces.
  • The politician's shabby treatment of his constituents led to a loss of support.
  • Despite its shabby exterior, the little café down the street serves the best coffee in town.
  • My dog found a shabby toy in the backyard.
  • We were hesitant to stay at the shabby motel, but it was the only option available.
  • Despite its shabby appearance, the old bookstore has a cozy atmosphere that I love.
  • Despite their shabby appearance, the old couple radiated warmth and kindness.
  • They were shocked by the shabby treatment they received at the fancy restaurant.
  • The furniture in the room was shabby and worn out.
  • He couldn't hide his disappointment when he saw the shabby condition of his childhood home.
  • The company's reputation suffered due to its shabby handling of customer complaints.
  • The shabby old car barely made it up the hill.
  • The library has a collection of shabby old books that nobody reads anymore.
  • The bus stop is in a shabby condition; they should really fix it up.
  • The shabby conditions in the prison were a topic of heated debate among lawmakers.
  • Despite its shabby exterior, the restaurant served delicious food.
  • They complained about the shabby service at the restaurant.
  • I felt embarrassed when my friends saw my shabby room.
  • We decided to leave the shabby hotel and find somewhere nicer.
  • They laughed at his shabby attempt to fix the broken chair.
  • The neighborhood has become quite shabby over the years.
  • The shabby state of the city park is disappointing; I wish they would invest more in its upkeep.
  • Despite its shabby appearance, the old bookstore had a charm that drew customers in.
  • She cried when she saw her shabby reflection in the mirror.
  • He always wears shabby clothes to work; it's not very professional.
  • I was surprised by the shabby condition of the museum; it definitely needs some renovations.
  • It made me sad to see the shabby condition of the playground.
  • I was impressed by how she turned the shabby garden into a beautiful oasis.
  • He demonstrated a keen eye for detail, uncovering hidden treasures in the most shabby and overlooked places.
  • My grandmother's house may look shabby, but it's full of memories and warmth.
  • The shabby curtains let in too much sunlight.
  • She felt a sense of pride as she transformed the shabby room into a cozy space.
  • She wore a shabby dress to the party.
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