dilapidated in a sentence

Meaning: 1) in a state of disrepair or ruin, usually as a result of neglect or age 2) worn out or deteriorated to a state of partial or complete collapse 3) showing signs of decay or dilapidation, often characterized by broken or damaged parts Similar words: decayed, decrepit, derelict, neglected, ramshackle, rundown, run-down, shabby, tumbledown, weather-beaten,

  • We used to play in that dilapidated playground when we were kids; it's sad to see it like this now.
  • The city council allocated funds to restore the dilapidated library to its former grandeur.
  • We explored the dilapidated mansion, imagining the lives of its long-gone inhabitants.
  • We're planning to fix up that dilapidated shed in the backyard and turn it into a workshop.
  • The dilapidated bridge posed a serious safety hazard to motorists and pedestrians alike.
  • The neighborhood association is working to clean up the dilapidated park and make it safe for families again.
  • She felt a sense of accomplishment as she watched the dilapidated house transform into a cozy home.
  • We braved the dilapidated bridge to reach the other side of the river.
  • The government needs to do something about these dilapidated roads; they're causing accidents.
  • I felt a pang of nostalgia as I drove past the dilapidated movie theater where I had my first date.
  • The rickety old house exuded a sense of history and charm despite its dilapidated appearance.
  • We stumbled upon a dilapidated bookstore in the city center, its shelves filled with dusty old tomes.
  • She couldn't believe her luck when she stumbled upon a dilapidated antique chest at the flea market.
  • They collaborated with local artisans to repurpose materials salvaged from the dilapidated factory into works of art.
  • It's important to report dilapidated buildings to the authorities to ensure public safety.
  • The old car sat in the yard, its dilapidated frame rusting away in the sun.
  • They hosted a fundraiser to raise money for the renovation of the dilapidated community center.
  • Despite initial skepticism from the community, their ambitious plan to revitalize the dilapidated urban neighborhood garnered widespread support and enthusiasm.
  • She commissioned a team of architects to meticulously restore the dilapidated mansion to its original splendor, sparing no expense.
  • We decided to take on the challenge of restoring the dilapidated historic theater in our town.
  • After years of neglect, the dilapidated church was finally undergoing restoration thanks to a community fundraising effort.
  • He couldn't believe his luck when he stumbled upon a dilapidated treasure chest buried in the backyard.
  • I was surprised by the dilapidated condition of the rental car; it looked like it had seen better days.
  • Despite its dilapidated condition, the ancient castle still held a mysterious charm.
  • The children played in the abandoned, dilapidated factory, oblivious to the danger.
  • They were determined to turn the dilapidated old schoolhouse into a community center for the neighborhood.
  • I orchestrated a series of public forums and town hall meetings to engage the community in discussions about the revitalization of the dilapidated downtown district.
  • The once-grand theater now stood dilapidated, a sad reminder of its former glory.
  • We spent the weekend clearing out the dilapidated shed in the backyard to make room for a garden.
  • The dilapidated furniture in the waiting room made the whole office feel run-down.
  • They spearheaded a grassroots campaign to raise awareness about the plight of dilapidated public infrastructure in their city.
  • She sighed with relief as she signed the contract to purchase the dilapidated beach house.
  • Despite its dilapidated appearance, the old house had an undeniable charm that drew in visitors from far and wide.
  • They hired a team of contractors to assess the damage to the dilapidated warehouse.
  • We embarked on a philanthropic mission to provide aid and resources to communities struggling with dilapidated infrastructure in underdeveloped regions.
  • He rented a room in a dilapidated apartment building until he could afford something better.
  • He found a hidden treasure trove of antique furniture in the dilapidated attic of the old house.
  • The dilapidated train station hasn't been used in years; it's just an eyesore now.
  • The old, dilapidated house had broken windows and a crumbling roof.
  • We felt a sense of sadness as we surveyed the dilapidated playground where we used to play.
  • She sighed as she looked at the dilapidated state of her childhood home.
  • Despite the dilapidated condition of the building, he saw potential in it and decided to purchase it for renovation.
  • She felt a sense of accomplishment as she finished restoring the dilapidated antique dresser.
  • My grandparents live in a dilapidated cottage surrounded by overgrown weeds.
  • He shook his head in disbelief at the sight of the dilapidated car sitting in the driveway.
  • The dilapidated factory stood as a haunting reminder of the town's industrial past.
  • The dilapidated bridge collapsed under the weight of the heavy rain, blocking the road.
  • The dilapidated state of the historic landmark was a stark reminder of the importance of preservation.
  • The streets of the ghost town were lined with dilapidated buildings, frozen in time.
  • The dilapidated state of the school building is affecting the students' ability to learn.
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