ramshackle in a sentence

Meaning: 1) lacking organization or coherence; dilapidated, run-down, or in a state of disrepair and often structurally unstable 2) appearing ready to collapse; shaky or rickety 3) carelessly or hastily put together or organized, often resulting in a chaotic or disorderly appearance Similar words: crumbling, decrepit, dilapidated, rickety, rundown, shabby, tumbledown, weather-beaten, worn-out,

  • The children played in the ramshackle playground, laughing and shouting.
  • Despite its ramshackle appearance, the beachfront shack served the best seafood in town.
  • He couldn't believe his luck when he stumbled upon a ramshackle cabin in the woods.
  • I saw an old, ramshackle car parked by the side of the road.
  • They decided to renovate the ramshackle barn and turn it into a cozy home.
  • Amidst the chaos of the ramshackle refugee camp, I found moments of profound humanity as individuals from diverse backgrounds came together to support one another in times of need.
  • We visited a ramshackle village during our trip to the countryside.
  • The ramshackle bicycle barely made it up the hill.
  • We encountered a ramshackle shack at the edge of the forest during our hike.
  • Despite its ramshackle exterior, the restaurant served delicious homemade meals.
  • He embarked on a mission to revitalize the ramshackle neighborhood, leveraging his expertise in urban planning to enact meaningful change.
  • I wouldn't trust that ramshackle ladder to hold my weight.
  • She lived in a small, ramshackle hut at the edge of the forest.
  • We were surprised to find an old, ramshackle theater tucked away in the city center.
  • We spent the weekend fixing up the ramshackle shed in the backyard.
  • The ramshackle bus rattled its way through the countryside.
  • She found shelter from the storm in a ramshackle hut.
  • It's hard to believe anyone would want to live in such a ramshackle house.
  • Our picnic spot was under a ramshackle pavilion in the park.
  • I remember playing in the ramshackle clubhouse as a child.
  • The government plans to allocate funds to renovate the ramshackle buildings in the historic district.
  • She found a ramshackle chair at the flea market and decided to give it a new lease on life with a fresh coat of paint.
  • We found a ramshackle cafe on the corner, but the coffee was surprisingly good.
  • Let's avoid walking on the ramshackle sidewalk; it looks like it's about to collapse.
  • I need to find a new place to live; this apartment is too ramshackle for me.
  • We found shelter in a ramshackle cabin during the storm.
  • The ramshackle fence around the property was in desperate need of repair.
  • She found solace in the ramshackle library, surrounded by rows of dusty books.
  • He drove a ramshackle truck that rattled and clanked as it moved.
  • The ramshackle boat barely survived the storm, but the crew managed to make it safely to shore.
  • Despite the ramshackle conditions, the resilient residents of the village banded together, demonstrating the power of community solidarity in overcoming adversity.
  • He inherited a ramshackle farm from his grandfather and worked tirelessly to restore it.
  • We stumbled upon a ramshackle cafe while exploring the city streets.
  • Be careful on the stairs; they're old and ramshackle.
  • We had to navigate through a maze of ramshackle buildings to find the market.
  • The ramshackle bus rumbled through the narrow streets, picking up passengers along the way.
  • Despite the ramshackle appearance of the storefront, the artisanal bakery inside boasted an array of exquisite pastries and bread.
  • He contemplated the ramshackle state of the education system, pondering potential solutions to address the disparities in quality across different regions.
  • He discovered a ramshackle antique shop tucked away in a forgotten alley.
  • The village was full of ramshackle buildings, some barely standing.
  • The ramshackle infrastructure in the rural areas highlighted the need for sustainable development initiatives to improve living conditions and stimulate economic growth.
  • The ramshackle state of the infrastructure in the city has become a pressing concern for residents.
  • The old, ramshackle barn was filled with hay and dust.
  • He bought a ramshackle boat and spent months fixing it up.
  • The ramshackle bridge creaked and groaned under the weight of the travelers.
  • Despite its ramshackle appearance, the roadside diner served the best pie in town.
  • The ramshackle nature of the cottage didn't deter him from seeing its potential as a vacation home.
  • We stumbled upon a ramshackle inn in the middle of nowhere.
  • The ramshackle bridge was closed to traffic due to safety concerns.
  • We had to cross a ramshackle bridge to reach the other side of the river.
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