rickety in a sentence

Meaning: 1) shaky or unsteady, especially due to weakness or old age 2) likely to collapse or break down, as if in danger of falling apart 3) poorly constructed or maintained, liable to fall or fail at any moment Similar words: decrepit, dilapidated, fragile, ramshackle, rundown, shaky, tottering, unstable, unsteady, wobbly,

  • They were hesitant to board the rickety old train; it seemed ready to derail.
  • He cursed under his breath as the rickety chair collapsed beneath him.
  • The rickety old truck rattles and shakes whenever it's driven.
  • He relished the challenge of repairing the rickety antique clock, meticulously restoring its intricate mechanisms.
  • That rickety window keeps letting cold air in; we need to seal it.
  • We were relieved when the rickety old bus finally arrived, albeit late.
  • She always avoids sitting on the rickety bench; it's uncomfortable.
  • They decided to explore the rickety old abandoned house at the edge of town.
  • He appreciated the character of the rickety café, with its mismatched furniture and eclectic decor.
  • He refuses to use the rickety ladder; it's too dangerous.
  • She gingerly navigated her way across the rickety bridge, her heart pounding with fear.
  • The old chair was rickety and wobbled when I sat on it.
  • With a groan, the rickety elevator lurched to a stop between floors, leaving the passengers stranded.
  • She complained about the rickety chair at the restaurant; it kept tipping over.
  • The rickety bridge swayed in the wind.
  • We laughed uproariously as the rickety old boat bobbed and swayed in the choppy waters.
  • The rickety old house exuded a sense of history and charm despite its dilapidated appearance.
  • She's afraid to walk on the rickety floorboards; they might break.
  • I'm nervous about sleeping in that rickety bunk bed; it looks ready to collapse.
  • Despite its rickety appearance, the vintage bicycle boasted a craftsmanship that spoke of bygone eras.
  • The rickety old car barely made it up the hill.
  • Despite its rickety frame, the antique rocking chair held sentimental value for the family.
  • He grumbled about the rickety old computer, frustrated by its slow performance.
  • I don't trust that rickety bridge; let's find another way across.
  • The rickety table wobbled whenever someone bumped into it.
  • This rickety table won't hold all of our dishes; we need to find a sturdier I wish they'd repair this rickety gate; it's always sticking.
  • The rickety stairs creaked with every step I took.
  • The rickety old windmill stood atop the hill, its blades creaking in the breeze.
  • We marveled at the rickety windmill, its weathered sails spinning gracefully in the breeze.
  • We giggled nervously as the rickety elevator jerked to a stop between floors.
  • The rickety fence around the property needs to be replaced.
  • She nervously gripped the rickety railing as she descended the staircase.
  • With a sigh of relief, the travelers crossed the rickety rope bridge and reached the safety of the other side.
  • We huddled together under the rickety umbrella as the rain poured down.
  • Be careful on those rickety stairs; they're not very stable.
  • I saw him struggling to push the rickety cart up the hill.
  • We'll have to take the rickety old elevator; it's the only one working right now.
  • Despite its rickety appearance, the quaint little cottage had a cozy interior with modern amenities.
  • I need to fix this rickety chair before someone gets hurt.
  • We had to brace ourselves as the rickety roller coaster rattled and jolted along the track.
  • As the storm intensified, the rickety shutters on the windows began to bang loudly against the house.
  • They decided not to stay in the rickety cabin; it looked unsafe.
  • I refuse to sit on that rickety bench again; it's too uncomfortable.
  • The rickety wooden bridge spanned the river, connecting the two sides of the village.
  • He let out a sigh of frustration as the rickety bicycle tire went flat yet again.
  • They reminisced about childhood adventures spent exploring the rickety treehouse in the backyard.
  • She took pride in refurbishing the rickety old chair, transforming it into a statement piece for her home.
  • I gingerly placed my book on the rickety shelf, hoping it wouldn't collapse under the weight.
  • Let's avoid walking on the rickety floorboards; they might give way.
  • The rickety shopping cart veered to the left, its wobbly wheel causing it to swerve.
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