decrepit in a sentence

Meaning: 1) worn-out or ruined due to age or neglect; weakened or infirm from old age; feeble and in poor condition 2) (of a person) elderly and infirm 3) lacking strength or vitality; dilapidated or deteriorated due to age or neglect Similar words: decayed, deteriorated, dilapidated, ramshackle, rickety, rundown, run-down, shabby, weather-beaten, worn-out,

  • The decrepit playground equipment is dangerous for the kids to play on.
  • She felt a pang of guilt for neglecting the decrepit garden that used to bring her so much joy.
  • The decrepit barn had holes in the roof.
  • We were hesitant to stay in the decrepit motel, but it was the only option available.
  • They were saddened to see their neighborhood park fall into such a decrepit condition.
  • They were relieved to find shelter in the decrepit cabin during the storm.
  • I can't believe how quickly the old barn became decrepit after years of neglect.
  • She couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as she explored the decrepit mansion.
  • We should avoid walking on that decrepit sidewalk; it's uneven and cracked.
  • He tripped over a piece of decrepit sidewalk and scraped his knee.
  • They were astounded by the decrepit state of the once-thriving metropolis, a stark contrast to its former glory as a beacon of progress and prosperity.
  • They were relieved when they finally moved out of the decrepit apartment complex.
  • The old house was decrepit and falling apart.
  • He vowed to restore the decrepit theater to its former glory.
  • Despite his decrepit health, he remained optimistic about his chances of recovery.
  • Despite facing numerous challenges, he remained undeterred in his mission to revitalize the decrepit neighborhood, believing in its potential for renewal and community empowerment.
  • I felt a sense of nostalgia as I explored the decrepit playground from my childhood.
  • The decrepit fence was covered in rust.
  • He lives in a decrepit house on the outskirts of town.
  • Despite its decrepit appearance, the old bookstore exuded an undeniable charm, drawing in patrons with its musty scent and shelves filled with literary treasures.
  • He was determined to renovate the decrepit farmhouse and turn it into a cozy home.
  • She spotted a decrepit bicycle lying abandoned by the roadside.
  • Despite its decrepit appearance, the old bookstore had a charm that drew in customers.
  • The decrepit bridge was closed indefinitely due to safety concerns.
  • I immersed myself in the decrepit underbelly of the city, navigating its labyrinthine alleyways and hidden enclaves in search of hidden gems and untold tales.
  • We found a decrepit chair at the flea market for a bargain price.
  • My grandparents' decrepit house needs a lot of repairs.
  • They decided to tear down the decrepit old warehouse and build something new in its place.
  • The decrepit old factory stood as a reminder of the town's industrial past.
  • She found solace in the decrepit library, surrounded by dusty books and forgotten stories.
  • Grandma's decrepit chair creaked when she sat on it.
  • I felt a sense of nostalgia as I stumbled upon the decrepit old theater where I used to perform as a child.
  • We braved the decrepit bridge, hoping it would hold our weight until we reached the other side.
  • It's sad to see such a decrepit building in the heart of the city.
  • The decrepit state of the city's infrastructure underscored the need for immediate action to prevent further deterioration and ensure the safety of its inhabitants.
  • The decrepit bus broke down on the way to work this morning.
  • They were shocked to discover the decrepit state of their favorite hiking trail.
  • I heard a noise coming from the decrepit shed in the backyard.
  • We decided against buying the house because of its decrepit condition.
  • We managed to find shelter in a decrepit old cabin during the storm.
  • He embarked on a mission to document the decrepit urban landscape, capturing the beauty in decay and the stories etched into its crumbling facades.
  • The decrepit state of the infrastructure in the city reflects years of neglect and lack of investment.
  • I couldn't help but wonder about the history behind the decrepit ruins scattered throughout the countryside.
  • She avoided walking on the decrepit staircase, fearing it might collapse.
  • She stumbled upon a decrepit old book in the attic.
  • The decrepit condition of the historic building sparked a debate about whether it should be renovated or demolished.
  • The decrepit streetlights flicker on and off at night.
  • The decrepit infrastructure of the country is in dire need of modernization.
  • She avoided the decrepit bridge because it looked unsafe to cross.
  • The decrepit condition of the historic landmark served as a poignant reminder of the passage of time and the impermanence of human endeavors, prompting calls for preservation and restoration efforts.
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