run-down in a sentence

Meaning: 1) in a state of disrepair or deterioration, typically describing a building or area that appears neglected or worn-out 2) physically or mentally exhausted, often due to overwork or lack of rest 3) a brief summary or account, usually informal or informal 4) to criticize or disparage, often in a harsh or relentless manner Similar words: decrepit, derelict, dilapidated, neglected, ramshackle, rundown, shabby, tumbledown, weather-beaten,

  • They were shocked by the run-down condition of the vacation rental when they arrived.
  • I heard they're demolishing the run-down house at the end of the street.
  • The company invested heavily in renovating the run-down office building to attract new clients.
  • The run-down economy of the region has led to widespread unemployment.
  • The run-down playground needs some repairs.
  • The run-down infrastructure highlights systemic issues that require comprehensive solutions.
  • I avoid walking through the run-down part of town at night.
  • I'm going to grab a coffee at that run-down cafe on the corner; it's my favorite spot.
  • She is determined to document the history of the run-down mansion before it's demolished.
  • They are considering buying the run-down warehouse and converting it into loft apartments.
  • He's determined to turn the run-down garage into a workshop for his woodworking hobby.
  • The run-down diner on Main Street has the best burgers in town.
  • They're considering selling their run-down farmhouse and moving into town.
  • We're collaborating with local stakeholders to devise a comprehensive plan to rejuvenate the run-down waterfront district.
  • The run-down school needs a fresh coat of paint.
  • The run-down state of the public transportation system impedes the city's progress and development.
  • They organized a community clean-up day to spruce up the run-down park.
  • I've been advocating for policies to address the root causes of the run-down urban decay in our city.
  • He was disappointed to discover the run-down state of his childhood home.
  • He's been working tirelessly to restore the run-down theater to its former glory.
  • My grandparents' house is a bit run-down, but it's full of charm.
  • They won't be able to fix their car; it's too run-down.
  • We found a run-down bookstore downtown that sells rare and used books.
  • I can't believe they turned that run-down warehouse into a trendy art gallery.
  • They're conducting a feasibility study to assess the viability of repurposing the run-down industrial sites for sustainable development.
  • We need to fix up this run-down shed in the backyard.
  • She sees potential in the run-down neighborhood and envisions a vibrant community hub.
  • We decided against buying the run-down car because it would cost too much to repair.
  • Despite its run-down appearance, the antique shop was a treasure trove of rare finds.
  • He's thinking about renovating the run-down cabin in the woods for a weekend getaway.
  • We decided to pass on renting the run-down apartment because it was too expensive to fix up.
  • We need to find a new place to eat; this restaurant looks too run-down.
  • The run-down bus stop doesn't even have a shelter for when it rains.
  • My friend's car is so run-down, it barely starts.
  • The run-down state of the infrastructure reflects poorly on the city's management.
  • He lives in a run-down apartment building on the outskirts of town.
  • Despite the run-down appearance, the historical significance of the building cannot be understated.
  • I sympathize with the owners of the run-down houses; it must be tough to maintain them.
  • I can't believe they're tearing down the run-down cinema; it holds so many memories.
  • She feels embarrassed about her run-down car, but it gets her where she needs to go.
  • She has a vision for transforming the run-down neighborhood into a thriving community.
  • We were surprised by the run-down condition of the hotel, given its high rating online.
  • After years of neglect, the once bustling neighborhood has become run-down and desolate.
  • Can you believe how run-down that store is? It seriously needs a makeover.
  • Despite its run-down appearance, the old mansion held a certain eerie charm.
  • We were shocked by the state of the run-down library; it used to be so vibrant.
  • She made it her mission to revitalize the run-down community center.
  • I feel sad when I see the run-down buildings in our neighborhood.
  • The old house looks run-down and abandoned.
  • The run-down factory hasn't been operational for years.
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