weather-beaten in a sentence

Meaning: 1) worn, discolored, or damaged by exposure to the weather or wind and rain 2) showing signs of age or wear caused by outdoor elements 3) characterized by a weathered appearance due to prolonged exposure to the elements Similar words: ramshackle, storm-worn, weathered, worn-out,

  • She took shelter under the weather-beaten awning when the rain started unexpectedly.
  • Despite its weather-beaten appearance, the lighthouse still stood strong.
  • They set out on a journey through the weather-beaten countryside, eager for adventure.
  • The weather-beaten landscape painted a picture of resilience and endurance.
  • The weather-beaten mailbox was barely holding together.
  • After years of exposure to the elements, the weather-beaten statue had developed a patina of age.
  • The weather-beaten journal contained accounts of expeditions through harsh climates.
  • He embarked on a mission to revitalize the weather-beaten community, spearheading initiatives to restore infrastructure and foster economic growth.
  • She meticulously restored the weather-beaten antique furniture, preserving its historical significance while breathing new life into each piece.
  • She found comfort in the weather-beaten pages of her favorite book, returning to it time and time again.
  • We gathered around the weather-beaten picnic table for lunch.
  • They sought refuge in the weather-beaten cabin during the storm.
  • She wrapped herself in a weather-beaten shawl to keep warm on the chilly evening.
  • Despite its weather-beaten exterior, the vintage car exuded an undeniable charm, drawing admiration from passersby.
  • I need to fix the weather-beaten roof before the next rainstorm.
  • We followed the weather-beaten trail through the forest, taking in the sights and sounds of nature.
  • He admired the weather-beaten ship as it sailed into the harbor.
  • They huddled together under the weather-beaten umbrella during the rain.
  • I navigated the challenges of documenting weather-beaten ecosystems, striving to convey their fragility and importance through photography and storytelling.
  • The old, weather-beaten barn stood alone in the field.
  • She used a weather-beaten blanket for a picnic in the park.
  • He reminisced about his childhood spent playing on the weather-beaten dock.
  • The weather-beaten map had faded over time.
  • She marveled at the weather-beaten architecture of the historic city.
  • After years of exposure to the elements, the statue looks weather-beaten.
  • They sat on the weather-beaten porch, watching the sunset.
  • Despite its weather-beaten appearance, the old car still runs smoothly.
  • They collaborated on a research project to analyze the effects of climate change on weather-beaten coastal regions, aiming to develop sustainable solutions for resilience.
  • We convened a panel of experts to discuss the preservation of weather-beaten historical sites, contemplating strategies to balance conservation with accessibility.
  • She captured the beauty of the weather-beaten landscape in her paintings.
  • Despite its weather-beaten appearance, the ancient castle still held an air of grandeur.
  • They set up camp under the weather-beaten canopy of trees, ready for a night in the wilderness.
  • We gathered around the weather-beaten fire pit, roasting marshmallows and sharing stories.
  • His weather-beaten hands told the story of hard work.
  • She gazed out at the weather-beaten coastline, lost in thought.
  • They enjoyed a picnic on the weather-beaten blanket, surrounded by nature.
  • The weather-beaten sign pointed towards the hiking trail.
  • We sought shelter under the weather-beaten tree during the storm.
  • The sailor's weather-beaten face told stories of adventures on the high seas.
  • She wore a weather-beaten coat to keep warm.
  • He relaxed in the weather-beaten hammock, swaying gently in the breeze.
  • It was a challenge to navigate the weather-beaten road during the storm.
  • We climbed the weather-beaten stairs to reach the top of the lighthouse.
  • Their weather-beaten home showed signs of neglect.
  • He walked along the weather-beaten path with his dog.
  • As the storm raged outside, we sought refuge in the weather-beaten inn, its cozy atmosphere providing a welcome sanctuary from the elements.
  • We found shelter from the rain under a weather-beaten awning.
  • We gathered around the weather-beaten table, sharing memories and laughter.
  • The weather-beaten fence had seen better days.
  • He sought inspiration in the weather-beaten ruins of an ancient civilization.
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