tumbledown in a sentence

Meaning: 1) in a state of disrepair or neglect, especially regarding a building or structure 2) collapsing or falling down, often due to age or lack of maintenance 3) dilapidated or shabby in appearance or condition Similar words: broken-down, decrepit, derelict, dilapidated, neglected, ramshackle, rundown, run-down, shabby, weather-beaten,

  • The tumbledown shed was full of rusty tools.
  • In her childhood, she often played in the tumbledown house at the end of the street.
  • She lived in a tumbledown shack by the river.
  • With meticulous planning and skilled craftsmanship, they transformed the tumbledown farmhouse into a luxurious country retreat.
  • He found shelter in a tumbledown hut in the woods.
  • We gathered wood from the tumbledown shed for our campfire.
  • Despite its tumbledown appearance, there was a certain charm to the rustic cabin.
  • The tumbledown playground equipment in the park desperately needs some maintenance.
  • He noticed the tumbledown fence while walking through the countryside.
  • The old tumbledown shed in the backyard is perfect for storing gardening tools.
  • We found a tumbledown café off the beaten path; it had the best homemade pies.
  • We stumbled upon a tumbledown cabin in the woods.
  • The kids found an old, tumbledown shed to play in.
  • It surprised me to find an entire tumbledown village hidden in the forest.
  • After years of neglect, they embarked on a restoration project to revive the tumbledown mansion to its former glory.
  • He felt a pang of sadness seeing the tumbledown house where he grew up.
  • I wouldn't want to live in that tumbledown apartment building.
  • The tumbledown bridge on the hiking trail adds to the adventure of the journey.
  • The windstorm last night left our fence tumbledown; we'll need to fix it before the dog escapes.
  • We should avoid walking on that tumbledown path; it's too dangerous.
  • He reminisced about his childhood adventures in the tumbledown barn, now a distant memory beneath the shadow of urban sprawl.
  • Can you believe they're charging rent for that tumbledown apartment? It's practically falling apart!
  • The old factory at the end of the street is completely tumbledown.
  • We couldn't resist the allure of the tumbledown cottage nestled in the forest.
  • Let's avoid that tumbledown alley; it doesn't look safe.
  • We're going to renovate this tumbledown barn and turn it into a cozy home.
  • I can't believe they're trying to sell that tumbledown house for so much money.
  • We need to be careful walking near those tumbledown stairs.
  • Despite its tumbledown appearance, that little roadside diner serves the most delicious burgers.
  • It was clear to everyone that the tumbledown barn needed urgent repairs.
  • She avoided the tumbledown building because it looked unsafe.
  • The children loved playing in the tumbledown barn, pretending it was their secret clubhouse.
  • We decided to explore the tumbledown ruins despite the warnings.
  • We explored the tumbledown ruins of the ancient castle, imagining its former grandeur.
  • Despite the tumbledown state of the manuscript, she painstakingly deciphered the ancient text, unraveling its secrets.
  • I stumbled upon a tumbledown bookstore in the city center; it was filled with old treasures.
  • The tumbledown shack was all that remained of the once-thriving fishing village.
  • I saw a tumbledown barn on the way to the farm.
  • Despite its tumbledown facade, the restaurant had earned a reputation for serving exquisite cuisine.
  • Despite the tumbledown appearance, he saw potential in the old warehouse and decided to convert it into a vibrant art gallery.
  • We're thinking of buying that tumbledown cottage and fixing it up.
  • It amazed us how nature had reclaimed the tumbledown structures over time.
  • The tumbledown fence needed fixing.
  • She felt a sense of nostalgia as she walked past the tumbledown church where she used to attend services.
  • It's sad to see such a beautiful old mansion become so tumbledown.
  • The old, tumbledown cottage looked as though it might collapse at any moment.
  • They laughed as they played in the tumbledown barn.
  • With a bit of work, we could restore this tumbledown farmhouse into a cozy home.
  • She felt a sense of adventure as she entered the tumbledown castle.
  • He felt a pang of sadness seeing the tumbledown state of his childhood home.
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