thrive in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to grow or develop vigorously; flourish and prosper 2) to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances 3) to be successful or make steady progress; advance or improve 4) to flourish or grow luxuriantly, as a plant 5) to increase in wealth or possessions; prosper Similar words: bloom, flourish, prosper, succeed,

  • Resiliency research explores factors that contribute to individuals' ability to thrive despite adversity.
  • He relies on his adaptability to thrive in uncertain situations.
  • Community projects thrive on collaboration; otherwise, disagreements may disunite volunteers.
  • Through continuous learning and adaptation, organizations can thrive in rapidly changing environments.
  • Despite the stormy weather, the small coastal town continued to thrive, with residents coming together to support each other.
  • Children thrive when they feel loved.
  • With love and care, families thrive.
  • Communities thrive when people help each other.
  • Entrepreneurial skills are necessary for small businesses to thrive in today's economy.
  • Conservation efforts are helping endangered species thrive in their natural habitats.
  • To help small businesses thrive, support them by shopping locally and spreading the word about their products and services.
  • Animals thrive in the wild.
  • Positive thoughts can help you thrive.
  • Volunteering at the local shelter has been incredibly rewarding; the animals seem to thrive with the extra attention.
  • Healthy friendships help us thrive emotionally.
  • Surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family can help you thrive emotionally.
  • Creativity and collaboration are essential for artistic communities to thrive.
  • My mom always says, "Positive thinking helps you thrive''.
  • To thrive in a healthy relationship, prioritize open and honest communication with your partner.
  • It's important to eat healthy so our bodies can thrive.
  • With enough practice, anyone can thrive in a new language.
  • Despite the challenges, the company continues to thrive in the competitive market.
  • Sustainable farming practices are necessary for agriculture to thrive in the long term.
  • Embracing a growth mindset, characterized by resilience and a willingness to learn from failures, is essential for individuals to thrive in today's rapidly changing world.
  • I thrive when I get enough sleep.
  • To thrive academically, students should develop effective study habits and time management skills.
  • Businesses thrive when they provide good service.
  • Mental resilience plays a significant role in helping individuals thrive amidst adversity.
  • To thrive in a diverse society, embrace cultural differences and strive for inclusivity and equality.
  • As urbanization increases, green spaces become vital for communities to thrive.
  • Supportive relationships and a strong social network are key factors in helping individuals thrive in life.
  • Plants thrive with water and sunlight.
  • The plants thrive with regular watering.
  • Effective leadership fosters an environment where employees can thrive and reach their full potential.
  • I want my garden to thrive this summer.
  • Immigrants often thrive in multicultural societies, bringing diverse perspectives and experiences.
  • Flowers thrive in sunlight.
  • Despite the rocky start, the plant began to thrive with proper care and attention.
  • Despite the economic downturn, some businesses managed to thrive due to innovative strategies.
  • To thrive in a remote work environment, establish a designated workspace free from distractions.
  • Learning new skills through online courses has helped me thrive professionally.
  • Birds thrive in the forest.
  • Effective time management is crucial for students to thrive academically.
  • They thrive in a supportive environment.
  • Dreams thrive with determination.
  • To thrive in a new job, it's important to communicate openly with your colleagues and superiors.
  • To help communities thrive, invest in infrastructure projects that improve access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities.
  • Children thrive when they play outside.
  • Navigating the complexities of modern relationships requires a deep understanding of both oneself and others, fostering an environment where mutual growth and fulfillment can thrive.
  • The sprout needs sunlight to thrive.
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