flourish in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way 2) to thrive, prosper, or succeed 3) to make sweeping gestures or movements, especially to attract attention 4) to be in a state of prosperity or success, to be at the peak of one's abilities or career 5) to wave or display ostentatiously 6) to decorate or embellish with ornamental detail or a distinctive feature 7) to brandish or wave, often in a dramatic or showy manner 8) to add decorative touches to writing or drawing, enhancing its appearance and attractiveness Similar words: bloom, blossom, develop, excel, grow, prosper, prosperous, succeed, thrive,

  • They worked tirelessly to ensure that each sprout received the care and attention it needed to flourish.
  • The trees flourish with green leaves in the summer.
  • He navigated the complexities of international diplomacy, fostering relationships that allowed peace to flourish in the region.
  • With dedication and practice, his skills as a musician began to flourish.
  • Social media has created opportunities for businesses to flourish online.
  • Economic policies that promote entrepreneurship can help small businesses flourish.
  • Pets flourish when they receive love and attention from their owners.
  • After years of hard work, her career finally began to flourish.
  • I took up painting as a hobby and watched my creativity flourish.
  • Students flourish when they feel supported by their teachers.
  • Hard work and dedication are needed for success to flourish.
  • She immersed herself in the study of classical literature, allowing her understanding of the human condition to flourish.
  • He invested in the stock market and watched his investments flourish over time.
  • It's important for everyone to have the opportunity to flourish.
  • Educational programs focused on personal development can empower individuals to flourish.
  • It's imperative that we foster an environment where creativity and innovation can flourish, allowing individuals to grow to their fullest potential.
  • The organization implemented new strategies, causing it to flourish in its mission.
  • We collaborated on a project and saw our efforts flourish into success.
  • The local economy is starting to flourish again after the recession.
  • Technological advancements in renewable energy have enabled sustainable practices to flourish, reducing our carbon footprint.
  • Practice and persistence are key for skills to flourish.
  • I honed my craft through years of diligent practice, allowing my skills as an artist to flourish.
  • Environmental initiatives have allowed green spaces within urban areas to flourish, benefiting both residents and wildlife.
  • They invested in education and infrastructure, creating an environment where opportunities could flourish for generations to come.
  • I want my business to flourish and grow.
  • A supportive environment helps creativity to flourish.
  • They encourage one another to flourish in their passions.
  • Opportunities for learning and development allow individuals to flourish.
  • Creativity can flourish in a clutter-free workspace.
  • We advocated for policies that promoted economic growth and innovation, creating conditions for businesses to flourish in our city.
  • She joined a community garden to help her green thumb flourish.
  • You can see the community flourish when people come together.
  • The city has seen its economy flourish in recent years.
  • By nurturing relationships and connections, our social circle continues to flourish.
  • He cultivated a mindset of resilience and adaptability, allowing him to flourish in the face of adversity.
  • Cultivating a positive mindset can help happiness flourish in your life.
  • He dreams of watching his business flourish into a success.
  • We implemented innovative solutions to societal challenges, enabling progress to flourish in our community.
  • You'll find that your language skills will flourish with consistent practice.
  • I water my plants regularly so they can flourish.
  • With encouragement and support, children's talents can flourish.
  • With encouragement from friends and family, his confidence began to flourish.
  • They embraced change and embraced uncertainty, allowing their creativity and innovation to flourish in unpredictable times.
  • We work together to help each other flourish in our endeavors.
  • The team worked together seamlessly, allowing their project to flourish.
  • They volunteered at the shelter and helped it flourish into a thriving community resource.
  • Kindness and compassion help communities flourish.
  • Love and understanding are essential for a relationship to flourish.
  • With support from his mentors, his career began to flourish.
  • The neighborhood association works tirelessly to help the community flourish.
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