develop in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate 2) to create or produce gradually 3) to bring out the capabilities or possibilities of; to evolve or improve 4) to undergo development or progress; to advance or unfold in a specified way 5) to come into existence or operation; to begin to have an effect or become apparent 6) to expand or make available for use or sale 7) to work out the possibilities of; to plan or carry out systematically 8) to treat (a photographic film or plate) with chemicals to make a visible image 9) to elaborate (a musical theme) by variation and ornamentation 10) to process (a raw photographic film or plate) to make a negative or positive print Similar words: advance, cultivate, enhance, evolve, expand, flourish, grow, improve, mature, progress,

  • The government announced plans to invest in infrastructure projects to help develop rural branches.
  • We collaborated with architects and urban designers to develop a master plan for revitalizing the neglected area.
  • I synthesized information from a wide range of sources to develop a nuanced perspective on the topic.
  • It's important for parents to encourage children to explore their creativity from a young age to develop their artistic dimensions.
  • Resiliency is something we can all develop with practice and perseverance.
  • It's important for children to develop adaptability from a young age.
  • In the realm of cybersecurity, experts must compile threat intelligence from various sources to develop robust defense mechanisms.
  • We collaborated with engineers to develop a novel filtration system capable of separating contaminants from water at a molecular level.
  • We collaborated with engineers to develop a composite solution for the bridge repair project.
  • He spearheaded the project to develop a sustainable compound for eco-friendly packaging materials.
  • They embarked on a mission to develop a groundbreaking combination therapy for cancer treatment.
  • Breeders use selective breeding to develop breeds with specific characteristics.
  • Selective breeding allows farmers to develop crops that require fewer pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Farmers use selective breeding to develop crops that can withstand harsh weather conditions.
  • They collaborated to develop novel statistical analysis frameworks for analyzing complex ecological systems.
  • Hedge funds employ quantitative analysts to develop complex trading strategies based on quantitative analysis of financial markets, aiming to achieve high returns while managing risk.
  • Cutting-edge medical research utilizes advanced quantitative analysis techniques, such as genome sequencing and bioinformatics, to identify genetic factors contributing to diseases and develop personalized treatment approaches.
  • To thrive academically, students should develop effective study habits and time management skills.
  • I collaborated with esteemed economists to develop predictive models assessing the susceptibility of contemporary economies to a recurrence of conditions akin to the Great Depression.
  • The botanist's research revealed fascinating insights into the genetic mechanisms that regulate how seeds sprout and develop.
  • Learning a new language helps your brain grow and develop.
  • To propagate herbs, take cuttings, place in water, and wait for roots and sprouts to develop.
  • To enhance your writing skills, read widely and practice writing regularly to develop your style and voice.
  • The government is investing in infrastructure to develop rural areas.
  • We need to develop a strategy to improve customer satisfaction.
  • The students are eager to develop their knowledge by reading books.
  • We are conducting surveys to develop a better understanding of customer needs.
  • She leveraged her expertise in marketing to develop a comprehensive branding strategy for the company.
  • My sister is trying to develop her drawing abilities by practicing every day.
  • It's important to develop good communication skills to express yourself clearly.
  • The chef is experimenting with new ingredients to develop a unique recipe.
  • The city is working to develop better public transportation.
  • They are excited to develop new technology to help the environment.
  • The city council is discussing plans to develop the downtown area.
  • The community is working together to develop a park for families to enjoy.
  • I need to develop better time management skills for my job.
  • We are working together to develop a plan for the project.
  • I am setting aside time each day to develop my writing skills.
  • My cousin is excited to develop his own business someday.
  • I'm trying to develop a routine for cleaning my room regularly.
  • We are committed to working with local communities to develop eco-friendly initiatives.
  • My friend wants to develop his skills in playing the guitar.
  • Learning a new language can help you develop cultural understanding.
  • She volunteered abroad to develop a deeper understanding of different cultures.
  • He wants to develop his painting talents and become an artist.
  • Through extensive research and experimentation, they hope to develop a groundbreaking treatment for cancer.
  • I want to develop my cooking skills so I can make delicious meals.
  • It takes time to develop trust in a new friendship.
  • Babies develop quickly in their first year, learning to crawl and walk.
  • We are planning to invest in renewable energy projects to develop a sustainable future.
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