evolve in a sentence

Meaning: 1) develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form 2) undergo gradual change or development, especially towards a more advanced state 3) (of an organism or biological feature) develop or change over successive generations by the process of evolution Similar words: adapt, advance, change, develop, expand, grow, improve, mature, progress, transform,

  • As technology continues to evolve, leveraging big data analytics tools becomes increasingly essential for extracting meaningful patterns from vast volumes of statistical data.
  • The art of cooking is a lifelong journey where one's palate and culinary skills can grow and evolve over time.
  • We must recognize our capacity to evolve and adapt in order to thrive in an ever-changing world.
  • To save money, evolve your spending habits by creating a budget and sticking to it.
  • Societal norms evolve as cultures interact and influence one another.
  • The chef demonstrated how flavors evolve when cooking.
  • I believe that society must evolve its attitudes towards sustainability to protect the environment for future generations.
  • Languages evolve as cultures interact and change.
  • I believe that technology will continue to evolve.
  • You can't expect things to stay the same forever; everything has to evolve eventually.
  • It's amazing how plants evolve to survive in different conditions.
  • It's exciting to see how technology continues to evolve and improve our lives.
  • To improve your English skills, try to evolve your vocabulary by learning new words every day.
  • Scientists study how bacteria evolve resistance to antibiotics.
  • Flowers evolve to attract specific pollinators.
  • They contend that organizational culture must evolve to foster innovation and employee engagement.
  • As a society, we have witnessed how our values and ethical frameworks evolve over time.
  • People believe that technology will continue to evolve rapidly.
  • They argue that language will inevitably evolve as communication technologies evolve.
  • To succeed in school, evolve your study habits by setting aside dedicated time each day.
  • The child's drawings evolve from scribbles to recognizable shapes.
  • To travel safely, evolve your plans by researching your destination and preparing accordingly.
  • The theory of evolution posits that species evolve over time in response to environmental pressures.
  • She explores how gender roles and identities evolve across different cultures and historical periods.
  • Relationships evolve as people change and grow.
  • The puppy learns to walk and evolve into a dog.
  • The student's skills evolve with each new lesson.
  • To maintain a clean home, evolve your cleaning schedule to fit your lifestyle.
  • Fossils provide evidence of how organisms evolve over millions of years.
  • It is essential that educational systems evolve to meet the needs of diverse learners in the modern age.
  • To stay healthy, it's important to evolve your diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Artistic movements evolve in response to cultural shifts and societal trends.
  • It's fascinating to observe how languages evolve and adapt to new circumstances.
  • He believes that technology will continue to evolve at an exponential rate, transforming every aspect of our lives.
  • To keep your plants healthy, evolve your watering routine based on their specific needs.
  • Relationships evolve naturally over time, as we learn more about each other and grow together.
  • The company's leadership team recognizes the need to evolve its corporate culture to foster innovation and creativity.
  • To enhance your relationships, evolve your communication by listening actively and expressing yourself clearly.
  • The theory of evolution suggests that species evolve over time through natural selection.
  • Our understanding of medicine continues to evolve as new research uncovers the complexities of the human body.
  • Plants evolve over time to adapt to different climates.
  • I feel excited to learn about how species evolve.
  • Sarah watched her tiny plant evolve from a seedling into a beautiful flower, amazed by nature's process.
  • It's important to constantly evolve your skills in the workplace to stay relevant and valuable to your employer.
  • They have made significant strides to evolve their relationship from colleagues to close friends.
  • Cultural norms and values evolve as societies progress and change.
  • The theory of evolution explains how species evolve.
  • I'm trying to evolve my exercise routine to include more strength training.
  • The scientists studied how bacteria evolve resistance.
  • She understands the importance of personal growth and is always seeking new ways to evolve as a person.
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