grow in a sentence

Meaning: 1) to increase in size or develop physically or mentally 2) to cultivate plants or crops 3) to cause plants or crops to develop or increase in size 4) to become larger or greater over a period of time 5) to expand or develop gradually 6) to become more mature or experienced 7) to come into existence or be produced 8) to undergo natural development or evolution 9) to become attached or fixed in place 10) to cause something to become attached or fixed in place 11) to become gradually or increasingly affected by a feeling or condition 12) to cause something to become gradually or increasingly affected by a feeling or condition 13) to become gradually or increasingly louder or more intense 14) to cause something to become gradually or increasingly louder or more intense Similar words: advance, cultivate, develop, evolve, expand, flourish, increase, mature, progress, thrive,

  • Developing resiliency in children can help them better handle life's challenges as they grow.
  • The avid gardener collects seeds to grow a diverse range of plants.
  • To grow a thriving garden, consider factors such as soil quality, sunlight, and proper watering techniques.
  • We accumulate experiences as we grow older.
  • A combination of sunlight and water is essential for plants to grow.
  • Farmers use genetic selection to grow crops that can withstand harsh weather.
  • Selective breeding makes plants grow faster and stronger.
  • Selective breeding helps farmers grow bigger tomatoes.
  • Genetic selection helps farmers grow better fruits and vegetables.
  • Farmers use genetic selection to grow tastier tomatoes.
  • We need to make some changes if we want our relationship to grow stronger.
  • I have come to realize that true wisdom is knowing that the more I learn, the more I understand how much I have yet to grow.
  • The sprout needs plenty of sunlight to grow big and strong.
  • We need to be patient while waiting for the sprouts to grow.
  • The art of cooking is a lifelong journey where one's palate and culinary skills can grow and evolve over time.
  • I think it's time for us to grow apart and pursue our own paths.
  • Flowers grow in the garden.
  • He wants to grow his savings by investing in the stock market.
  • He exemplifies what it means to be a leader, constantly pushing himself to grow and inspire those around him.
  • It's important to water the seeds regularly to encourage them to sprout and grow.
  • It's important to give yourself room to grow and make mistakes.
  • They are pioneers in their field, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible, driven by an insatiable thirst to grow and expand their horizons.
  • I've been taking up new hobbies lately to grow as a person.
  • Economic inequality can grow if left unchecked.
  • Can you believe how quickly kids grow out of their clothes?
  • Education is essential for individuals to grow both intellectually and emotionally.
  • As technology continues to advance, the need for digital literacy skills will only grow.
  • It's imperative that we foster an environment where creativity and innovation can flourish, allowing individuals to grow to their fullest potential.
  • They are planning to grow their family by adopting a child.
  • We all grow older with each passing year.
  • As a parent, I've learned that my capacity for patience and understanding continues to grow with each challenge my children face.
  • I want to grow up to be a firefighter.
  • The bonds of friendship often grow stronger during times of adversity.
  • Trees grow tall in the forest.
  • Babies grow quickly in their first year.
  • Despite our efforts to grow our savings, unexpected expenses always seem to arise.
  • I want my business to flourish and grow.
  • Learning a new language helps your brain grow and develop.
  • Relationships require nurturing and attention to grow stronger.
  • With proper care, plants can grow even in challenging environments.
  • Children grow stronger when they eat healthy food.
  • I love watching my garden grow throughout the summer months.
  • My hair seems to grow so fast, I need to get it cut more often.
  • I grow tomatoes in my backyard.
  • The city's population continues to grow steadily each year.
  • Navigating the complexities of adulthood requires us to constantly adapt and grow as individuals.
  • We are at a pivotal moment in history where our collective actions will determine whether we grow and prosper or falter and decline.
  • To grow wheatgrass, soak seeds, plant in soil, and wait for green sprouts.
  • Water helps the sprout grow.
  • She's been taking courses to grow her skills and advance her career.
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