accepting in a sentence

Meaning: 1) receive willingly; embrace something offered or given 2) believe or come to recognize as valid or correct 3) endure or tolerate without resistance 4) agree to undertake or fulfill a responsibility or task 5) acknowledge the receipt of something 6) admit or accommodate a fact or truth 7) regard with approval or favor Similar words: acknowledging, admitting, agreeable, agreeing, allowing, approbative, approving, consentient, embracing, open-minded, receiving, responsive, satisfying, tolerant, welcoming,

  • The politician's unethical conduct, including accepting bribes and engaging in nepotism, ultimately led to their downfall.
  • Sarah hesitated before accepting the invitation to the dance, but with encouragement from her friends, she finally consented.
  • Despite facing difficulties, she is slowly accepting the reality of the situation.
  • Embracing a growth mindset, he was not only accepting challenges but actively seeking them to fuel his personal development.
  • The government is actively working on accepting international standards for environmental protection.
  • She is accepting the help offered by her friends.
  • The old bookstore, with its worn-out charm, was accepting visitors who sought tales of adventure and mystery.
  • She is adjusting to the idea of accepting assistance during busy times.
  • Are you accepting new friends on social media?
  • In the small village, they discovered a warm community that was accepting of newcomers.
  • Navigating the intricate dynamics of interpersonal relationships often involves accepting ambiguity and embracing emotional intelligence.
  • He, a seasoned diplomat, approached international negotiations with finesse, skillfully accepting diverse perspectives for diplomatic harmony.
  • At the quaint café, they were happily accepting orders for their speciality desserts.
  • The team is accepting the challenge with a strategic approach.
  • He is accepting the fact that mistakes happen.
  • Despite the rain, the street musician continued playing, accepting smiles from passing pedestrians.
  • The company is currently accepting applications for a variety of positions.
  • I am accepting the terms and conditions of the website.
  • As the sun set, the beach bonfire was accepting anyone seeking warmth and good company.
  • Negotiating complex business deals requires not just accepting terms but strategically crafting agreements that benefit all parties involved.
  • We are considering accepting the invitation to the upcoming family gathering.
  • The negotiation process involves both parties accepting certain compromises.
  • We, as a research team, demonstrated intellectual rigor by not merely accepting hypotheses but critically scrutinizing them for scientific validity.
  • They are open to accepting feedback on their collaborative project.
  • During the journey, they encountered a friendly innkeeper who was accepting guests for the night.
  • In business, success often comes from accepting and adapting to market trends.
  • It is important that I am accepting feedback for improvement.
  • I am accepting the gift with a smile.
  • Despite initial doubts, she is now accepting the idea of trying a new restaurant.
  • They are accepting the job offer happily.
  • The cat is accepting the affection from its owner.
  • They are gradually accepting the cultural differences within the organization.
  • They are accepting donations for the local charity.
  • I am accepting the responsibility for my mistake.
  • Are you accepting returns without a receipt?
  • We are accepting the challenge to improve ourselves.
  • By accepting constructive criticism, she has shown great maturity in her work.
  • The shop is accepting cash and credit cards.
  • He hesitated for a moment before finally accepting the mysterious package at his doorstep.
  • We are accepting online orders for home delivery.
  • We are accepting new members into the community.
  • While strolling through the bustling market, she found herself accepting samples from various vendors.
  • The professor emphasized the importance of accepting diverse perspectives in academic discussions.
  • In the realm of philosophical discourse, scholars grapple with the nuanced concept of accepting existential uncertainties.
  • He is accepting feedback on the project.
  • She was pleasantly surprised by her friend's gesture of accepting her invitation to the art exhibition.
  • She is contemplating accepting a job offer from a different city.
  • He is accepting the challenge to improve his skills.
  • She is accepting the apology sincerely.
  • They, the avant-garde artists, were not content with accepting conventional norms, but sought to redefine the very essence of artistic expression.
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