allowing in a sentence

Meaning: 1) permitting or giving permission for something to happen 2) recognizing or acknowledging a particular fact or situation 3) enabling or providing the opportunity for a certain action or process 4) tolerating or not preventing a specific behavior or condition 5) conceding or accepting a particular interpretation or viewpoint 6) affording or granting the right or privilege to do something Similar words: accrediting, approving, authorizing, consenting, empowering, enabling, endorsing, facilitating, granting, letting, permitting, sanctioning, tolerating, validating,

  • Virtual reality technology has opened up new dimensions for storytelling, allowing users to immerse themselves in alternate worlds.
  • Lisa appreciated her boss's flexibility in allowing her to adjust her work schedule to attend her child's school events.
  • They're well aware of the consequences of allowing tensions to pile up without resolution.
  • Recognizing the need for specialization, they implemented a decentralized organizational structure, allowing teams to autonomously delegate tasks.
  • As the CEO, her leadership style involved empowering employees by allowing them to delegate tasks based on their strengths and competencies.
  • The novel's structure was intentionally fragmented, allowing readers to piece together the narrative puzzle.
  • Quantitative analysis is a crucial component of scientific research, allowing researchers to draw meaningful conclusions from data sets.
  • He championed the practice of no-till farming, allowing seeds to sprout in undisturbed soil, thereby enhancing soil health and biodiversity.
  • She immersed herself in the study of classical literature, allowing her understanding of the human condition to flourish.
  • It's imperative that we foster an environment where creativity and innovation can flourish, allowing individuals to grow to their fullest potential.
  • I honed my craft through years of diligent practice, allowing my skills as an artist to flourish.
  • Technology has enabled remote work opportunities, allowing professionals to thrive while working from home.
  • He cultivated a mindset of resilience and adaptability, allowing him to flourish in the face of adversity.
  • Through dedication and practice, Tom's language skills evolved, allowing him to confidently communicate with people from around the world.
  • They embraced change and embraced uncertainty, allowing their creativity and innovation to flourish in unpredictable times.
  • The team worked together seamlessly, allowing their project to flourish.
  • They embarked on a journey of self-discovery, delving deep into their passions and allowing their creativity to flourish.
  • In consequence of missing the bus, he found himself with extra time, allowing him to explore a charming little park nearby.
  • Michael's savings plan gradually added up, allowing him to achieve financial goals.
  • Mark's daily savings slowly added up, allowing him to buy the bicycle he had always wanted.
  • Consistently practicing time management techniques has a cumulative effect on productivity, allowing for more efficient use of resources.
  • They are allowing pets in the park.
  • Jake missed the bus, allowing him to enjoy a leisurely walk through the park.
  • Jenny opened the door, allowing the warm sunlight to fill the room.
  • Tim walked to the park, allowing the cool breeze to refresh him.
  • The bakery ran out of croissants, allowing customers to try a new pastry.
  • The office meeting was productive, allowing for efficient project planning.
  • The power went out, allowing the family to have a cozy candlelit dinner.
  • Please, stop allowing the door to slam.
  • Press the button, allowing the machine to start.
  • The lost key was found, allowing Sarah to unlock the mystery of her missing necklace.
  • Alex missed the movie, allowing him to explore the charming town instead.
  • Emily waved, allowing her friend to see her from across the street.
  • Stir the ingredients, allowing them to mix well.
  • Tom's car broke down, allowing him to meet friendly locals while waiting for a tow.
  • The bird chirped, allowing the forest to come alive with sounds.
  • Are they allowing photography in the museum?
  • The neighborhood party was lively, allowing everyone to mingle and have fun.
  • Alex laughed, allowing everyone to relax and enjoy the moment.
  • Tom smiled, allowing his joy to brighten the gloomy day.
  • The software is allowing users to customize their settings.
  • The concert tickets were expensive, allowing only a few people to attend.
  • Turn the key, allowing the engine to start.
  • Follow the signs, allowing you to find the exit easily.
  • Push the lever, allowing water to flow from the faucet.
  • Pay attention to the instructions, allowing for safe operation.
  • The hiking trail was steep, allowing for breathtaking views at the summit.
  • Jenny got lost on the trail, allowing her to discover a hidden waterfall.
  • Emily found an old book, allowing her to discover a hidden world of stories.
  • The teacher is allowing extra time for the test.
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