tolerating in a sentence

Meaning: 1) putting up with or enduring the presence, actions, or effects of something unpleasant or undesirable without actively resisting or retaliating 2) allowing the existence or occurrence of something, especially opinions or behavior, that one does not necessarily agree with or support 3) exhibiting patience, restraint, or leniency towards actions or situations that may be challenging or irritating 4) enduring or bearing the consequences, effects, or impact of a particular condition or circumstance Similar words: accepting, admitting, allowing, bearing, enduring, patience, permitting, resisting, suffering, withstanding,

  • Tolerating interruptions during a virtual meeting requires adapting to the challenges of remote work.
  • Despite the difficulties, he is committed to tolerating the demands of his new job.
  • Tolerating a bad hair day is part of life.
  • In the face of adversity, building resilience involves tolerating adversity and bouncing back from setbacks.
  • In various situations, we find ourselves tolerating unexpected challenges.
  • Tolerating a broken phone screen is annoying.
  • Tolerating the cold weather is difficult for me.
  • Ingrid is exceptionally skilled at tolerating complex technical issues.
  • Tolerating delays in public transportation is a common experience.
  • Tolerating a messy room is a challenge for me.
  • Are you tolerating the heat in this weather?
  • In mindfulness meditation, practitioners focus on tolerating discomfort and observing thoughts without judgment.
  • In cultivating a growth mindset, individuals focus on tolerating challenges as opportunities for learning and improvement.
  • Tolerating traffic jams is a part of city life.
  • Tolerating different opinions is important in a diverse society.
  • Tolerating slow internet is frustrating.
  • Tolerating spicy food can be challenging for some people.
  • As a seasoned therapist, Dr. Rodriguez emphasized the importance of tolerating emotional discomfort for personal growth.
  • The diplomat emphasized the importance of tolerating cultural differences.
  • In conflict resolution, the key is tolerating conflicting opinions while finding common ground for resolution.
  • Tolerating a diverse work environment is essential for career growth.
  • I'm not good at tolerating long lines at the grocery store.
  • How are you tolerating the new work schedule?
  • We are collectively focused on tolerating the uncertainties of the future.
  • Tom is tolerating the loud music from his neighbor's party.
  • Tolerating uncertainty is a crucial aspect of decision-making in business.
  • When learning a new language, tolerating mistakes is crucial for effective language acquisition.
  • Tolerating a crowded bus during rush hour is a daily struggle.
  • The teacher is good at tolerating the energetic students in the class.
  • The community is focused on tolerating and celebrating cultural diversity.
  • Sarah is tolerating the barking of her neighbor's dog every night.
  • Tolerating spicy food, Tim tried a new dish at the restaurant.
  • She navigated the volatile business landscape with resilience, tolerating market uncertainties to achieve sustained success.
  • Tolerating a challenging project, the team collaborated to find solutions.
  • Tolerating the ups and downs of relationships is a skill worth developing.
  • I need help tolerating stress at work.
  • As a seasoned negotiator, she mastered the art of tolerating high-pressure situations, ensuring successful resolutions in complex business dealings.
  • The author's literary work explored the theme of tolerating existential uncertainties with profound depth and insight.
  • They face the intricate task of tolerating competing interests to create harmonious and sustainable cityscapes.
  • Amy is tolerating her friend's constant talking during the movie.
  • He has dedicated his career to tolerating academic challenges and pushing the boundaries of knowledge in his field.
  • Successful negotiation often involves tolerating some level of discomfort.
  • In navigating the intricacies of diplomatic negotiations, leaders must possess the skill of tolerating opposing ideologies.
  • Developing emotional intelligence includes tolerating and managing one's own emotions in various situations.
  • They are actively working on tolerating diverse opinions within the team.
  • Lisa is tolerating a long wait at the bus stop.
  • Tolerating a delayed flight, Chris remained patient at the airport.
  • In philosophical discourse, individuals often grapple with the challenge of tolerating existential paradoxes and unanswered questions.
  • Tolerating boredom during the lecture is hard for students.
  • Despite the setbacks, she remains dedicated to tolerating setbacks in her career.
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