admitting in a sentence

Meaning: 1) acknowledging the truth or existence of something 2) allowing entry or access, especially to a place or event 3) confessing or acknowledging a fault or wrongdoing 4) granting permission or approval 5) accepting someone into a group, organization, or institution 6) providing entrance or passage for a substance or element 7) recognizing the validity or legitimacy of a claim or argument 8) including or considering a particular factor or element Similar words: accepting, acknowledging, affirming, affording, allowing, conceding, confessing, decreeing, granting, permitting, recognizing, sanctioning, sustaining,

  • I admire his toughness in admitting his mistakes and striving for self-improvement.
  • He showed incredible fortitude in admitting his mistakes and working to improve himself.
  • Admitting ignorance is the first step toward learning something new.
  • We're admitting a limited number of people to the event.
  • He is not admitting his involvement in the incident.
  • She is admitting that she's feeling overwhelmed with the workload.
  • Admitting that recipe was too complicated for me.
  • They are admitting that they haven't finished their assignments yet.
  • We are admitting that we didn't follow the instructions.
  • Admitting your mistakes is the first step towards improvement.
  • He's admitting that he's not a morning person.
  • We had a heart-to-heart conversation, admitting our fears and uncertainties about the future.
  • I find it difficult admitting my fears to others.
  • She's admitting that she needs more time to finish the task.
  • I am proud of my friend for admitting her vulnerability during the tough times.
  • I am admitting that I don't understand the new software.
  • I am admitting that I need help with my homework.
  • She is admitting her fear of heights.
  • She is admitting that she forgot to bring her lunch.
  • Are you admitting that you don't like the new movie?
  • Admitting you're tired doesn't make you weak.
  • The professor was forthright, admitting that the concept was complex and required further discussion.
  • I confided in a friend, admitting my struggle to find a balance between work and personal life.
  • She finally confessed, admitting her involvement in the secret project.
  • I'm admitting that I forgot to buy milk at the store.
  • Admitting your feelings can be liberating.
  • He is admitting that he was wrong about the answer.
  • We're admitting that we need a break from work.
  • After much reflection, he acknowledged his shortcomings, admitting he needed to work on his temper.
  • Admitting you need a nap is okay sometimes.
  • Admitting defeat is the first step to improvement.
  • We are admitting that the task is challenging.
  • He is admitting that he needs to improve his communication skills.
  • Admitting when you're wrong is important in relationships.
  • The detective cleverly extracted information without the suspect realizing he was admitting guilt.
  • The manager hesitated before admitting the employee into the confidential meeting.
  • Admitting your weaknesses can be a sign of strength.
  • He's admitting he needs more practice before the game.
  • Admitting the truth can be difficult.
  • They are admitting responsibility for the project's failure.
  • He shared a personal anecdote, admitting that overcoming challenges had shaped his character.
  • We are admitting new members to the club this month.
  • We are admitting that we should have started the project earlier.
  • He hesitated before admitting that he had misunderstood the instructions.
  • She's admitting her excitement about the upcoming vacation.
  • After a lengthy debate, the team reached a consensus, admitting the need for a change in strategy.
  • She hesitated for a moment before admitting the importance of the decision.
  • They are admitting new students to the school.
  • The scientist published a paper, openly admitting the limitations of the study.
  • They are admitting that the project is more challenging than expected.
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