permitting in a sentence

Meaning: 1) allowing or granting permission or authorization. 2) making possible; enabling. 3) admitting the possibility of; not preventing. 4) conceding or acknowledging; recognizing. 5) in a state of being allowed or tolerated. Similar words: accepting, admitting, allowing, approving, authorizing, clearance, conceding, consenting, empowering, enabling, endorsing, entitling, facilitating, granting, licensing, permission, sanctioning, tolerating,

  • Despite the rain, the event organizers are permitting the outdoor concert to proceed.
  • In the scientific community, they followed a rigorous methodology, permitting accurate replication of experiments for validation.
  • In the quaint bookstore, the old librarian smiled, permitting the curious child to explore the secret room filled with forgotten tales.
  • Despite financial constraints, he invested in continuous education, permitting him to stay ahead in his rapidly evolving industry.
  • They can start the construction project, funding permitting.
  • Despite initial resistance, they embraced technological advancements, permitting the organization to streamline its operations and improve efficiency.
  • In the bustling city, they found a cozy café that was permitting customers to bring their dogs inside.
  • In her role as CEO, she implemented progressive policies, permitting a more inclusive and diverse workplace culture.
  • The artist is permitting limited reproduction of their artwork for educational purposes.
  • The manager is permitting flexible work hours for employees.
  • The city council is considering permitting the construction of a new shopping mall.
  • The environmental regulations were stringent, permitting only eco-friendly practices in the manufacturing process.
  • We'll explore the mountain trail, conditions permitting.
  • I'll visit the museum this weekend, family plans permitting.
  • She hesitated, unsure if her busy schedule was permitting her to attend the last-minute invitation to the art exhibition.
  • We can organize a picnic next week, weather permitting.
  • Are they permitting outside food in the movie theater now?
  • It was a beautiful day, and she felt that the universe was permitting her to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
  • She intends to travel abroad, visa permitting.
  • You can enter the park freely, weather permitting.
  • We embraced a holistic approach to wellness, permitting a balance between physical health, mental well-being, and spiritual fulfillment.
  • The new law is permitting businesses to operate with fewer restrictions.
  • He wondered if his limited experience was permitting him to handle the complex project effectively.
  • Permitting ourselves a moment of reflection, we acknowledged the collective efforts that led to the successful completion of the ambitious project.
  • In our interconnected world, technological advancements are permitting us to communicate effortlessly across borders.
  • They plan to open the exhibition on time, logistics permitting.
  • The policy change is permitting more inclusivity in the workplace.
  • The enchanted mirror, permitting a glimpse into the future, left Lily both curious and apprehensive.
  • We must prioritize sustainable practices, permitting us to preserve the environment for future generations.
  • They, a team of researchers, conducted experiments with meticulous precision, permitting groundbreaking discoveries in the field of medicine.
  • The teacher is permitting us to submit the assignment by the end of the day.
  • Visits to the wildlife sanctuary are allowed, conditions permitting.
  • They, a group of innovative engineers, developed cutting-edge solutions, permitting the optimization of energy consumption in urban environments.
  • She navigated the intricate negotiations, permitting the resolution of long-standing disputes between the two nations.
  • The magical amulet, permitting its possessor to speak to animals, changed young Sarah's life forever.
  • Despite the challenges, she, an accomplished violinist, practiced diligently every day, permitting her to master complex musical pieces.
  • I need to check if the weather is permitting before we go on a picnic.
  • He carefully checked the weather forecast before each expedition, permitting him to choose the most favorable conditions for his adventures.
  • They're not permitting large bags inside the concert venue.
  • In the quiet library, he found a sign clearly permitting only whispered conversations.
  • The weather is finally permitting us to go for a hike this weekend.
  • The event venue can be changed, logistics permitting.
  • Is the company permitting remote work for everyone, or just certain departments?
  • Despite the challenges, he believed his determination was permitting him to achieve his long-term goals.
  • Trail access is granted, trail conditions permitting.
  • I'll check if the schedule is permitting us to meet for coffee tomorrow.
  • Despite the controversy, the new legislation permitting certain liberties was seen as a progressive step towards social equality.
  • Obtaining a visa is crucial for permitting entry into many countries.
  • Is the restaurant permitting reservations for tonight, or is it fully booked?
  • Ignoring the stormy weather, they decided that nothing was permitting them from having a beach picnic.
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