granting in a sentence

Meaning: 1) providing or conceding something to someone; agreeing to give or allow 2) bestowing a privilege, right, or possession upon someone 3) acknowledging or accepting a request, proposal, or application 4) formally giving approval or permission for a specific action or request 5) endowing with a particular quality, attribute, or characteristic 6) acknowledging or recognizing a fact or truth Similar words: admitting, allowing, approving, authorizing, conferring, consenting, endorsing, entitling, permitting, sanctioning,

  • The city council deliberated before granting permission for the new construction project.
  • Encumbered by ethical considerations, they deliberated extensively before granting accreditation to the controversial research project, acknowledging the delicate balance between academic freedom and societal values.
  • In a surprising turn of events, the city council is now open to granting a permit for the community garden after hearing the passionate pleas of local residents.
  • We are granting approval for the project to proceed to the next phase.
  • The negotiation process involves granting certain concessions to reach a compromise.
  • Despite initial skepticism, she exhibited a nuanced understanding of the cultural nuances involved, ultimately granting her team a competitive edge in the international market.
  • We are granting our consent for the use of our photographs in the magazine.
  • The manager is contemplating granting a promotion to the dedicated employee.
  • She's granting you access to her Netflix account for the weekend.
  • They are granting a scholarship to the top-performing student.
  • The manager is granting a bonus to employees for their hard work.
  • They deliberated extensively on the ethical implications before granting permission for the controversial research.
  • The committee is deliberating on granting accreditation to the new university program.
  • Granting permission is essential for entering the restricted area.
  • Imbued with a sense of responsibility, he scrutinized the proposal before granting his approval, cognizant of the potential ramifications.
  • She is granting her friend the opportunity to choose the movie for the evening.
  • The technology company is exploring the possibility of granting access to its cutting-edge research facilities for collaborative projects with academic institutions.
  • Granting you my trust, I hope you won't let me down.
  • As the executive board deliberated, they faced the complex challenge of granting stock options while balancing the company's financial sustainability.
  • She's hesitant about granting him forgiveness after the argument.
  • Granting a break, the teacher allowed the students to stretch and move around.
  • In a nuanced negotiation, they navigated the intricacies of granting access to proprietary information, safeguarding against potential breaches.
  • It is granting access to various educational resources online.
  • In the intricate world of international diplomacy, granting diplomatic immunity to the ambassador was a strategic move to foster diplomatic relations between the two nations.
  • He is granting an interview to discuss his latest book.
  • They're open to granting us a discount if we purchase in bulk.
  • Granting a discount, the store is having a special sale this weekend.
  • The philanthropic foundation, committed to systemic change, carefully considered granting funding to initiatives that aligned with their vision for social transformation.
  • They're considering granting flexibility in the work hours for better employee satisfaction.
  • Granting access to the online course requires a valid email address.
  • In the legal realm, the judge grappled with the ethical implications of granting a plea deal to the accused, navigating the delicate balance between justice and leniency.
  • The mayor, understanding the significance of cultural events, is contemplating granting a permit for the community festival in the town square.
  • Granting my friend's request, I shared my umbrella during the sudden rain.
  • Despite initial reservations, the committee, recognizing the project's potential impact, is seriously considering granting the necessary funds for its development.
  • The university is granting honorary degrees to accomplished individuals.
  • The doctor is granting a medical leave due to illness.
  • She's granting permission for her kids to stay over at a friend's house.
  • The renowned artist, moved by the aspiring painter's dedication, is considering granting mentorship to nurture the emerging talent.
  • She is granting wishes to children in need.
  • He is granting flexibility in the deadline for submitting the report.
  • Granting scholarships helps students pursue higher education.
  • The company is considering granting stock options to attract top talent.
  • Granting forgiveness is a noble and difficult act.
  • Within the corporate hierarchy, we observed the CEO's discerning approach to granting executive privileges, reflecting a strategic alignment with organizational goals.
  • Granting the request, the principal allowed the students to organize a charity event.
  • Granting a favor, can you help me carry these groceries?
  • Recognizing the importance of environmental conservation, the local authorities are contemplating granting special privileges to businesses implementing eco-friendly practices.
  • The government, acknowledging the urgent need for disaster relief, is actively exploring options for granting immediate assistance to the affected regions.
  • We're thinking of granting extra time for the team to complete the project.
  • They are granting a permit for the construction of the new building.
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